Author Topic: WiiMednafen  (Read 11757 times)


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2011, 02:31:20 PM »
Mac users have to compile there own version of Mednafen using MacPorts.
You can get the latest source of Mednafen on there official website.

I'm sorry, but that's..... laughable. Apparently the mednafen/Mac situation is even worse than I realized. Not only do you have to track down Darwin Ports/MacPorts (a non "fake" version), you have to worry about installing a compiler and a bunch of resources you'll never, ever use otherwise. It's like a goddamn scavenger hunt, and then you still have the task of trying to compile the thing.

That's great the developer provides the source code and all, but 90% of the people interested in using mednafen are not programmers or developers themselves. We don't have the interest/time/patience to f*ck around with this sort of thing.

Arkhan is right-- this might be a big no brainer for someone who deals with compilers on a daily basis, but for the rest of us, it's a gigantic pain in the ass and, in almost all cases, an insurmountable roadblock. This is coming from someone who used to do some C++ programming and has dealt with a compiler or two in his time.

I know, I know, you get what you pay for and beggars can't be choosers and all that but it just doesn't make sense to me. Does the Wii version come precompiled or are Wii users expected to compile their own copy?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 02:33:16 PM by nat »


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2011, 02:47:28 PM »
I blame two things:

1. Whoever designed the Mac system was a retard and didn't include gcc. All intelligent Unix-based systems include gcc. It's just how shit is done.
2. Stupid and/or lazy userbase that has been coddled by aforementioned retard who insists that they don't even need more than one mouse button. Two buttons is hard, man.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2011, 03:30:42 PM »
By the way... I mean no offense to anyone on this forum. Every system has its fair share of stupidity in its userbase. I'm not pointing at anyone in particular here, just at the overall attitude presented by the vast swarms of clueless rookies who change their desktop wallpaper and think that they're suddenly computer experts.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2011, 03:55:24 PM »
You need new Mac jokes. They've shipped with multi-button mice for...I think about 7 years now. Of course most Macs sold are notebooks with multi-touch trackpads, which is kind of like a 10,000 button mouse (see: Gestures).

They also have color displays as standard now, in case you hadn't heard about that either.

I have no f*cking idea what a "GCC" is. I know a lot of smart people and chances are that none of them do either. Despite this I have downloaded litterally hundreds of Mac programs, only one or two needed to be compiled. All sorts of freeware, open source, multiplatform, etc stuff, from tiny one man shows to huge global projects, Tinygrab, Handbrake, VLC, Firefox, Open Office, MAME, SNES9x, TGEmu, you name it. All of them just shipped as .apps files that just...ran. These developers wanted their shit to actually get used.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2011, 04:56:17 PM »
gcc is the standard compiler collection for all of Unix. And I actually don't give a damn about your mouse, nor do I need "new Mac jokes". Mac users just need to be less ignorant.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2011, 05:37:23 PM »
Are you actually under the impression that if the Windows version of Mednafen needed to be compiled for each individual user than there would be a greater percentage of those users that could actually pull it off? If so, you are seriously delusional.

I know how to completely strip and rebuild a car down to its primary components. I even built and programed the ECU that runs my Solo car/daily driver. I spend all day at work minutely tuning massive tables to minimize diesel exhaust emissions, running tests and measurements of prototype parts, populating fuel and timing maps. Many of my friends are similarly capable.

Do I expect the person who eventually buys the cars I help develop to understand any of that shit? Of course not. Its my job, and my hobby, not theirs. They need to be carpenters and doctors and teachers and astronauts and whatever. I don't know how the f*ck they do whatever it is they do.

You and your buddies are hella L337 uber programmers and power users. I'm just a user. %99.9999 of the world are just users. I don't know ding dong dick about this shit and there isn't room in my brain or time in my day to learn it. It has nothing to do with being lazy, stupid, or spoiled.

I'm not a dumb-ass for not knowing how to get Mednafen to run any more than you are a dumbass for not knowing how to adjust the timing on a Mazda 323 GTR. You do however kind of sound like a dumbass when you criticize Macs for having less buttons than they actually do. Always know your enemy, especially in stupid fights you pick for no reason.


I actually don't fault so much the fact that it needs to be compiled. I understand there are technical reasons for that even if I don't really understand what those reasons are. It not having a GUI though is just the programmer being needlessly recalcitrant. There is no excuse for that. I refuse to believe that every spare second of Mednafen development is spent on accuracy, optimization, and compatibility. I know enough to understand that progress in those areas doesn't have a direct relationship to time. That is, you can't necessarily spend x amount of time and get x amount of improvement. Moving ahead in those departments requires strategy, epiphany, collaboration, etc. A GUI could be written in less than an hour when nothing else is going on. It doesn't have one because the developer doesn't want it to have one, and I have no doubt that the pompous condescending gits that are its biggest fans feel entirely validated by being a member of a puny niche that can actually pull it off.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2011, 06:30:43 PM »
Does it emulate PCFX good? :)
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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2011, 06:42:04 PM »
SoZ dude, I'm trolling. Can't you tell? :)

I've had the GUI conversation with Ryphecha before. As for the source code bit... I have no idea why it's not compiled ahead of time.

Duo_R: Mednafen's PC-FX emulation is as good as it gets. There are no other emulators that can touch it. Then again, there are barely any PC-FX emulators to begin with.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2011, 11:46:21 PM »
I'll add a GUI if SignOfZeta builds me a flying car.  I mean, it should be simple, you just bolt on wings, so it shouldn't take more than an hour, right?


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2011, 01:40:12 AM »
Again, Mednafen works f*cking great!  You just load it on your SD card and play it.  That's all you do if you have your Wii enabled for Homebrew.  It works like any other emulator.  Load game, play game, enjoy game.  The youtube link shows the wiimednafen interface right from the get go.  This has nothing to do with the Win/Mac versions.  There's no command line to worry about cause it's on a Wii, and not a PC.  Just try it and have fun.  The emulation for PC-Engine is great!  The youtube video shows the PC-FX emulation.  It looks really good, however I do think I saw a bit of frameskip going on.  It could also just be the youtube clip.  I'll have to test Zeroigar later after work.

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2011, 02:41:13 AM »
Seriously, I made this thread for the Wii port.

The Wii port is so easy a monkey could use it, there’s no compiling, no command prompt, nothing! As geise said, you just put the game on your SD card and play and it’s even on your TV, just like the original TG16 and, like all Wii emulators, it has support for the classic controller (Which is fantastic).

If you own a Wii then hack it and play this port, it’s dirt simple.

The youtube video shows the PC-FX emulation.  It looks really good, however I do think I saw a bit of frameskip going on.  It could also just be the youtube clip.  I'll have to test Zeroigar later after work.
PC-FX emulation works kind of slow on at the moment but Raz0red plans to improve it in later releases.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 04:27:48 AM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2011, 06:28:16 AM »
I'll add a GUI if SignOfZeta builds me a flying car.  I mean, it should be simple, you just bolt on wings, so it shouldn't take more than an hour, right?

You actually consider a GUI, which virtually every program but yours has, to be analogous to a flying car, which more or less doesn't exist?

Jesus, now I see what I'm up against here.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2011, 06:38:15 AM »
There are GUI front ends for Mednafen and there are other emulators if this one isn't to your tastes, so what's the big deal?
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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2011, 06:44:58 AM »
Not for the Mac though... there's hardly anything for the Mac because most coders can't stand that trash. :)


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2011, 06:57:39 AM »
I think everyone that owns a Wii needs to try Mednafen cause it f*cking rocks!  Plus it's balls easy to get running.