Author Topic: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves [Locked]  (Read 3008 times)


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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2011, 08:07:49 AM »
Well, I'm still glad that I nabbed some now, but if he does come on here and sell them at a discount, then I'll grab more.  I only bought 10 of them on fleabay.



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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2011, 01:09:09 PM »
Got'em. They are great. i didn't realize quite how crummy some of my others were till comparing. They are slightly wider than the original but they work well.
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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2011, 08:52:58 AM »
I just got mine today.  They are exactly as advertised.  If he comes on here selling them, I will definitely buy more.



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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2011, 11:04:14 AM »
Just got mine too, I disagree, they are not wider then OEM sleeves at all unless you were comparing them to the chinese ones.  I compared them to both OEM and the sleeves being sold a few years ago (the extra stiff ones) and they matched exactly.  The quality of these are very very good.  Not as flimsy as the OEM ones but not as stiff as the other ones.  Will continue to buy many many more once he shows up.  Thanks SeymorOnion!

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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2011, 05:08:58 PM »
I'd like to order these, but he won't ship to Canada :(
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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2011, 05:45:16 PM »
He did mention he would begin doing international.  I will ask him again.

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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2011, 12:54:36 AM »
Hey, guys!
I'm glad to see the forums are back!

I plan to sell my Vinyl HuCard Sleeves, through my website, at a substantial discount, compared to my eBay listings.
I'll be selling them as 25-pack bundles, but before I can do that, I need to get some custom boxes made for the packaging, and for the shipping box.
I've been working with a local box maker, and they should be ready any day now.
I expect to get them Tomorrow, but I won't know for sure until I get the call from my box guy.

I'll post an update here when they are ready, as well as on my website, so if you subscribe to this thread, and have 'e-mail notification of new posts' turned on, you should be all set.  8)

Using prototype boxes made by my box guy, I've already figured out the domestic shipping costs of mailing one to four 25-packs to the contiguous 48 states, via USPS First Class (for 25 to 50 Sleeves) or USPS Priority (for 50 to 100 Sleeves) and have updated the site to reflect that.

I'd like to order these, but he won't ship to Canada :(
I do plan to open up sales to international customers, when I do the second run of sleeves.
I had to sink a significant amount of $ into the R&D and the tooling/dies for these sleeves, and the boxes, and because of that, I'm barely breaking even on this first run.

From what I've read, dealing with credit card fraud, from customers in other countries, can be somewhat of a nightmare.
I'll be better prepared to deal with the losses, financially, after I recover my investment in the first run.

In the meantime, international customers can probably buy extra sleeves from other members of this forum, if they open a WTB thread.  ;)


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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2011, 01:30:37 AM »
That's cool, but $6.76 for 5 sleeve? Might be cheaper to buy a bunch of TV Sports games.
At least then you get a spare case and Sleeve.

Be cool if the seller gave us a deal say 10 for $6.76. Sorry just thinking out loud.
Including Domestic Shipping, the prices-per-sleeve on my website will be:
 25 Sleeves for 75 ¢ each.
 50 Sleeves for 67 ¢ each. (This one is close to your suggested price of 10 for $6.76)
 75 Sleeves for 62 ¢ each.
100 Sleeves for 58 ¢ each.

Once I get the boxes, I'm going to change my eBay listing for the 5-packs to 25-packs.
The 25-packs will still be cheaper to buy through my website, as there won't be any eBay Fees to deal with, but I digress...
Anyway, what I'm getting at, is that ya'll can always sell any leftovers here through this forum, or even through eBay, as I'm going to stop selling quantities lower than 25.
That way, resellers can resell em at a competitive price, in lower quantities for people who don't need to buy in bulk, and make some $.

BTW, anyone that wants more than 100 sleeves should either PM or E-Mail me, so I can give a better shipping quote.
Also, I'll only be selling in multiples of 25, as it's much easier to keep track of my inventory that way. ;)


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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2011, 01:52:47 AM »
I just bought 2 packs.  I bought some of those Chinese jobs a while back, and they're sticking to the paint on the HuCards.  So that's no good.


Are you talking about the credit card sleeves that were being sold on Ebay a while ago. I bought like 60 of them for 6.00 and have been using them on my trade games as well as my cheap loose games.


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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2011, 02:54:14 AM »
You guys, you know you can use the heavy duty Trading Card game protectors, right?  They're all textured/rubbery/come in neat colors....!

You can get a 100 pack for a few dorra.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2011, 03:06:53 AM »
You guys, you know you can use the heavy duty Trading Card game protectors, right?  They're all textured/rubbery/come in neat colors....!

You can get a 100 pack for a few dorra.
Got a link?

I did some quick web searching, and came across these:

I saw some others that were different colored, but they all shared that same design.
Is that what you are talking about?

They look pretty thin, and don't have that extra flap that the HuCard sleeves do.

Here are some shots of the ones I'm selling:

I designed my sleeves to match the official sleeves, as closely as is humanly possible.  8)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 03:52:35 AM by SeymorOnion »


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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2011, 08:22:10 AM »
Gonna buy some more.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 10:39:16 AM by MotherGunner »

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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2011, 08:22:27 AM »
Welcome SeymorOnion.  Glad Aaron approved you.

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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2011, 08:24:58 AM »
Welcome aboard.  I wouldn't waste money on having custom packaging made - nobody here is gonna care whether or not they come in pretty boxes (heh, that sounds naughty).
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Re: Whoa, NEW HuCard Sleeves
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2011, 09:38:31 AM »
Welcome SeymorOnion.  Glad Aaron approved you.
Thanks! And thanks, too, for starting this thread.
I probably would have been approved sooner, but that whole forum hack thing took us all by surprise.

Welcome aboard.  I wouldn't waste money on having custom packaging made - nobody here is gonna care whether or not they come in pretty boxes (heh, that sounds naughty).
Actually, it winds up being cheaper (for you all) for me to use the custom packaging, opposed to me just buying boxes at the supermarket.
Supermarkets, and the local box shops, markup their boxes at least 3 times what it costs to make them.

Also, I balanced the size-to-weight ratio in such a way, as to ensure that I can get the lowest possible shipping rates, while still protecting the integrity of the sleeves, as they travel through the postal system.

I did keep the packaging design simple though.
The Shipping Boxes themselves are a plain brown corrugated cardboard.
They are lightweight, but strong, especially in the corners of the box.
They can hold up to four 25-Packs.

The 25-Pack boxes are made out of a white cardstock; similar in thickness to the paper used to make a greeting card.
They have a single color print on two sides; a simple description of what's inside, in plain text.
They don't need to be very strong, because the shipping box will be more than enough to protect them.

When you take the costs-per-box, and divide it by the number of sleeves I'm putting in them, it winds up costing either a little less than 1 cent per sleeve, but no more than 3 cents per sleeve, depending on the # of 25 packs I put in a shipping container.

I can fit about 50 sleeves in a 'free' small flat rate box from the USPS, but that costs $5.00 to ship.
With my custom boxes, I can charge $2.60 for S&H for one 25-pack, or $4.35 for two of em.

Or, I could buy some bubble envelopes, or jam them in a standard paper envelope,
but the odds of them getting damaged, while en route, would be high.

Oh, by the way, I got the Shipping containers a little while ago.
5,400 of them. (I have to buy in bulk to get a decent price).
I just finished bringing them all inside.

Here's some photos of em, in their temporary resting place:

I'm going to put them up on some shelves tonight,
in the room I've set up to be my Shipping Department.

They are going to deliver the 25-Pack boxes tomorrow, (at least 5,000 of them)
and I'll finally be able to start selling the sleeves (which I bought in bulk as well)
through the website then.

When you bulk order custom stuff, like boxes, sleeves, or any plastics, most companies have a policy you have to agree to called "Overages and Underages".
Basically, they state that you agree to pay X up front, for Y amount of product,
and the actual Y amount they make, can vary by 10% more, or 10% less, than the desired quantity.
After they are done with the run, I pay for how many they actually wound up making, at an earlier agreed upon price-per-unit.
That way, I can lock in the price per unit for the Y Quantity's Bulk Rate, and only have to pay that much for each one.
So, if they make a little less than I wanted, it won't revert to the higher-priced, less than Y, price-per-unit cost.

Whew. I hope that made sense.
To be honest, it took a while for me to wrap my head around that one myself.  :-k
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 09:52:27 AM by SeymorOnion »