That must be why the Japanese started putting high scores in games like Space Invaders, then. Oh, wait... only SHITTY GAMES have high score tables and people fixated with getting the high score.
There is a huge gaping difference between a high score table in an arcade game, and some dumbass profile/points system in games where the points you acquire are based off doing stupid shit like "OPEN 385 DOORS WITHOUT WALKING RIGHT" and "COLLECT 300 BRONZE PIPES" or something stupid.
You're confusing "high score" with "high profile score". lrn2slash.
High profile score AKA Gamerscore is completely unrelated to any score in a game and is some modern way for hipster douchebags to think they're good at video games. It's really just the numerical representation of how much time you waste doing retarded shit in a game rather than playing something else since you're done with that game. There are people who grind out for 20+ hours in an RPG AFTER beating the game, just so they can get some achievement for getting everyone to level 99. The only purpose it serves is to artificially extend the length of the game. 60 hours of gameplay! ...But only 30 of it is the real game. the other 30 is how long it takes for you to get all the ACHIVEMENTS!1123. And then you get m4x g43m3rsc0r3z and a 5 star ranked profile and join the OMG UNDERGROUND with all the other people who would probably be pressing the continue button before the end of the first base in Contra.
My bad. And yes, Might and
Magic bores me to tears. It's a piece of shit. It wouldn't help sell ANY videogame console. You know why? Because anybody who cared for Western shit back then bought them on the crusty computers of the time.
Declaring M&M a piece of shit is a pretty bold statement. What makes it a piece of shit? Which ones have you played, and did you even make it past the character generator? Do you even like RPGs?
And, really? Crusty computers? You mean the PC/Amiga, which were around at the same time as the TG and Genesis, and completely smoked it in terms of power and capabilities?
Are you saying that if people took the time to beat level 1 of China Warrior, they'd like it? Is everyone supposed to have your exact taste in gaming? That sure would be uninteresting.
No, I'm saying your typical "hardcore gamer" today is some FPS pudwacker that has no appreciation for games that came out before Quake 2, and will make all kinds of superficial remarks towards the game instead of enjoying it for what it is. Not that they probably have the ability to play any old games properly because there is no mouse/keyboard, or dual thumb-stick controller setup for the TG or any other 8/16bit console.
I have the unfortunate displeasure of being surrounded by gamers at school, and from mutual friends. Most of these modern gamers in the 20-30 age bracket are all dumbasses. The worst ones are the ones that are going to school for "video game design" or are "making a game" because they're doing some 3D models in a class.
Making 3D models for homework != developing a game. Try explaining this to some herpderp Apple user. It's like trying to teach a 4 year old different equations. It's hilarious when someone who can't program says they are developing a game, when they have 0 intention of writing code.
then they start talking about companies' design/business model philosophies and go on and on about how great Steam is because they went on a tour and ate up all their hipster bullshit.
"All the developers we're in cool t shirts, and had on jeans! There was food in the breakroom! Everyone was happy!"
yes, because steam is the ONLY place where people are happy to be making games, and have no dresscode. Totally groundbreaking. f*ck off. (Not you, the idiot that said it)