I had too many unplayed Wii games, so a little while ago I sat down to start going through them. Man, so many of them are just not good. Or rather, they just don't compare to what's actually good.
Even top games like Mario Galaxy I thought too linear and boring. I didn't like either the collecting aspect or the camera, either. Epic Mickey looked so cool, but meh, mediocre platformers at best. Same with Mushroom Men. TvC is just too busy, not my cup of tea. Pandora's Tower is a horribly put together action RPG that just tries to do too much. One by one I crossed off all the games until I was left with less than a dozen. At the height of my collectardation, I had probably 40-50 GC and Wii games combined. I know have only 18, though F-Zero GX will be #19 (could never get my last copy to work - I think it was resurfaced which killed the disc).
Here they are, the only good games on the two systems:
F-Zero GX (still missing)
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2 (never got far in)
Boy and His Blob, A
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Ivy the Kiwi? (haven't go to yet, might be terrible, looks great though)
Last Story
Mario Kart Wii
Muramasa: Demon Blade
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Rayman Origins
Wii Sports (wife's insistence)
Wii Sports Resort (I was able to fit in Wii Sports disc into the other pocket of the box)
Not even all of these are amazing. If I had to get rid of them all, I'd only really miss Metroid Prime 1 & 2 (Rayman Origins is on PC, too).