Oooh, I'm sure the vast majority just don't give a crap about the PCE or want to do this in general. I have no delusions there.
There aren't many people interested in making a game run on a different machine when the original machine is perfectly fine and the end result is going to be the
*same f*cking experience*.
There are even less interested in doing it on the PCE, because the PCE dev scene can be counted on two hands with spare fingers.
I'm sure there are plenty of smart people out there that could follow what's going on in the source code, provided the source with the rom itself (how it's used) and running it through an emulator/debugger. Not to mention I've personally offered to answer any questions or just help outright, to speed things along. Also, hacker types specifically don't have the luxury of comments let alone source code for most of their working environments. They take things apart and figure it out for themselves. My lack of comments in the source would have little to no effect on them.
Yes but when its a commentless environment, it's usually with something they give a shit enough about to figure out. Not commenting your code and using that as an excuse is poor form. If you're going to diddle around with stuff and want people to use it, document it. Expecting people to figure it out is why no one uses things you do. There's a difference between dismantling a rom dump, and dismantling something you've cooked up.
Like I said, you need to know both the PCE and the NES hardware intimately in detail. Finding someone just for PCE that really know its in and outs, is hard enough by itself. I've been told by quite a few that are very capable low level console coders, RE'rs and such, that this was an incredible feat. So I'm not pulling that assumption out of my ass. At the very least, it makes for a steep learning curve - commented code or not.
*shrug* I don't see how its an incredible feat. It's neat, sure. It could turn into something big. But, like you even mentioned, this was done already around 1993 with a bunch of games including Arkanoid, which is awesome.
It was also done with lesser tools, and far less resources. That's more of an incredible feat, IMO. TG hacking before TGHack was around.
This is an incredible feat: emulated on an MSX.
I'd say this isn't for beginning or intermediate console coders. But hey, I could be wrong
You probably are.