so now I found the proper thread for this topic... I have to say:
1) Bonknutz, you're focking awesome for making this work!
2) is a focking shameless punkazz for ripping BonkNuts' work and selling these! shame on him!!
someone should point Capcom to his site... grrrrrrrr
Bonknutz, on another topic, if you get this emu to work well enough, the possibilities would be amazing. i.e. pressing our own versions of famicom classics... imagine:
running a NES version of Downtown Netkkesu (river city ransom) and playing it side by side with the PCE version... lol
Well to his credit, according to the guy that runs the site - he said he got it from a yahoo auction (and I saw the original one on yahoo - has different art and manual). So he claims he didn't know it was mine nor did he take it from me (my site). That said, if he's gonna sell it (it's on a Sony DADC cd-r. I guess they're supposed to be second best to a pressed CD??? Made for old embedded systems with CD drives or some such thing) people should at least be getting the newest build (his build is one revision lower than what's out, IIRC).
You know, Megaman and other NES games that I've done aren't exactly a secret. I've posted about it on multiple forums over the years and it really didn't generate much interest from what I could tell outside of small handful of people. But I continued to work on tweaking the emulation such on Megaman... because that's my baby. I did it for myself. I play and have played the crap out of MM on my PCE/SGX/Duo system. I mean, all this originally started out as 'hey, look what you can do on the PCE' sort of thing. But it turned into something for myself. I.e. it became a real project instead of just a 'demo' per se. Megaman 1 holds a special place in my memories because besides SMB, it was the first game I had when I bought the NES for myself. I spent that
whole summer non stop playing MM, SMB, and Zelda 1.
Anyway, so this MM 'project' has been around for a couple of years. I don't know why it's getting more attention now. Is it because people thought it was a real unreleased beta for the SCD (my blog is getting a lot of traffic for it. Forums, google, etc)? I have Megaman 2 in the works, all prep'd up, and could probably have it up and running within a week (with probably some minor glitches that would have to be worked out in the emulation core. It always works that way. A new game, more emulation support on the back end). I guess I'm subconsciously holding it for ransom or whatever >_>. I dunno. It does irritate me that a lot of the past responses about MM 1 have been, 'mm1 is ok, but mm2 would be great' - etc. I actually do want to upgrade Megaman 1. If I did do Megaman 2, I don't think it needs any upgrading. And, like nat said, other than novelty - what's the point of playing it on the PCE when you can just play it on NES or the Megaman collection for whatever system? I think that holds true for a lot of people (myself excluded though).
There's actually
nothing stopping someone else from doing MM2 or MM3, etc themselves (other than the skillset/mindset required to do this kind of work). I've provided the source code to the emulation. I provide a full example of how it works, including the Megaman rom with the changes as source code (not binary/hex hacking). Arkhan brought up the point that there are no comments (or barely any) in the source code package. But I honestly don't think that's an issue at all. It's pretty self explanatory that you replace the original NES LDA $2002 opcode with the emulation code JSR opcode (forget the name off hand), etc. And the back end emulation code doesn't need to be commented. The idea is to hack the original ROM, not modify the back end code. Plus, the back end code requires intimate knowledge of BOTH the PCE and the NES. I'd have to write a small book explaining all that crap. The scope of the project assumes you're pretty familiar with the NES on a low level and at least a little experienced with the PCE on a low level as well. And it's not like I'm dead (yet); people can ask me questions or for help (as long as I'm not ending up doing all the work for them). This type of project has a close connection/relation to rom and game hacker activity/scene (on a low level. Not just sprite/map/tile hacks). Those guys have no source or any comments. They figure everything out for themselves without anyone holding their hand. This isn't even has hard as that. I honestly and truly think that most dedicated hacker type wouldn't even have made a back end emulation core; they would have just replaced all the sprite/tile/tilemap routines and related data to PCE format. And just leave the initial core game engine/framework intact. This is what the NES 5-in-1 Finland compilation/release does. They actually hacked the game and data, rather than just try to emulate everything.