I'll be honest, I'm enjoying Lunar Dragon Song. It's my 3rd favorite series of games(with Ys first & Suikoden 2nd), & I bought the DS, JUST for this game, so maybe I'm blind. Believe me, it has it's drawbacks, but I've somehow gotten used to them. The running & gradually losing a hit point every 5 seconds, is now tolerable. The only thing that really still gets at me is the Xp or items thing. It is cool that you can save anywhere, & load it from that exact point. The other 3 Lunar's didn't have that(counting Magical School). And frankly, the music is fantastic for the most part, which is one of my biggest things...music! There are lot's of people that enjoy this game, but I don't think anyone can give it an award, maybe other then for the music.
Still, here's hoping the next Lunar isn't like this! But I have no problem with the fact that I paid 40 bucks for it either, I'm still enjoying it!