I will have 50 sexy, colorful lightscribble copies of the Insanity X soundtrack for sale, very soon, as in, the discs are on their way and I will then get to sit and burn them.
50 tops. This assumes all the lightscribbling works. Sometimes it f*cks up and I throw the disc at the wall and get pissed off.
There are green, orange, blue, red, and purple, I believe.
Matching slim jewel cases will be had. No artwork inserts. I will provide a picture of one if you just have to print one out and shove it in the case. The lightscribble disc art will be cooler anyways.
What you get:
The original CD soundtrack, remastered
The original Chiptrack, with Squirrel 2.0 drums instead of farty Atari2600 staticdrums
Aetherbyte Theme Song complete with douchetastic European arp horseshit! YEAH!
This other song I made out of boredom one day.
Original versions of Cerulean Mist (Insanity ending song), Renegade (Insanity level music), and Maelstrom (Insanity Level Music) done on an Amiga 1200. I thought I lost them, but I found MP3s of them. \o/
Redone version of Renegade done with a drum machine and my Roland SH-101 before I redid it for Insanity.
A few of the tracks meant for the Insanity sequel that may never happen. If it does, hey! you heard it first, \o/
I would put other songs (RType level 1, Saint Comes Marching In, Shadow of the Beast, and Doom), but thats be illegal. They'll probably show up on Rover's PCE radio.
These are going to cost 10 dorra. All proceeds will go towards further turbobvelopment.
Place your orders by PMing me ASAP, and requesting a color. First come, first served. So, if you wait til 3 weeks from now and bitch that all the pink ones are gone, sorry!
If these sell out, I will just buy more discs and keep going.