I see.
Makes more sense. Strange I've never heard about it before. Everyone probably gets their facts from Wikipedia
- speaking of which, they claim that the super system card adds 192K, taking the total up to (apparently) 256K. Yet the base unit has 72k total, which would make the total amount 264K. Wat??
Perhaps the extra went entirely on graphics, and they weren't counting work RAM at all in those figures... in which case, how do they maintain compatibility with the CDROM2, with its 64K for ADPCM? Was the other 64K in the CDROM2 for CPU or graphics?
And according to the same page the Duo had a single 256K DRAM... is that possible, given the separation between main and video memory (also, admittedly, something I got off Wikipedia). Something on that website needs a bit of clarification, I think. Either that or I'm failing to understand something. =|