It's funny, bitd, I hated FPS's, they actually kind of made me sick, like some kind of motion sickness. But as the years have gone by, I've gotten into a few of them. I enjoyed the first 2 Red Factions(the 3rd & 4th games are 3rd person), the Half Life games seem fun but I haven't played all the way thru either of them. Oh, I did really enjoy Golden Eye & Perfect Dark bitd. I have XIII but haven't played it much, I do love that it's a cell shaded FPS. I do like Alien vs. Predator for Jag, but haven't gotten into the newer PS3 game. Skyhammer is pretty cool. Tried to get into the Resistance games, but, just couldn't for some reason. I have Jedi Outcast on the GC, it's dope, though, I've gotten distracted from finishing it. Metroid Prime Hunters can eat me, the regular Metroid Prime games(FPA's really) are....kinda cool, but, I still haven't gotten into them. I just want my old 2D stuff, so Other M was a step in the right direction. Cyberdillo is cool just for the cheese factor. I kinda like PO'd, but wish there was music or more ambiance or something. And I did find the Unreal games to be fun, though, the last one didn't do anything for me. One of these days I'll try playing Robotech Invasion & Warhammer Fire Warrior.