So lately, I've been into fighting games, particularly SNK's King of Fighters, Fartal Fury and I might get into Art of Fighting soon too.
This, naturally, leads me to want to play with an arcade stick. But I only have three, of them, one (a Hori Tekken 5) seems to be going bad (one button has bouts where it won't respond) and the other two, a pair of Pelican Real Arcade Universals, are known to damage consoles. I've heard I can fix this if I switch out the PCB with that of a normal Playstation controller, but I have absolutely no idea how to do that. And then there's all this stuff about the different manufacturers--Sanwa, Happ, some euro guys I can't remember, whoever else... and it all gets confusing. I don't even know what a "dremmel" is.
So, should I even try to do this myself, or should I just find someone to do it for me?