No, I wasn't trying to invalidate his statement. I was agreeing with him. When I said "picky" I meant "picky" at random, not by region. I hope this isn't going to turn into another one of those things where someone wants to win an argument when there was not one to begin with.
Whats with the his/him nonsense? I don't have a clone. There isn't really an argument from what I've gathered.
When I have recommended people get an American Turbo Grafx unit for the device I was suggesting this because these are the cheapest NEC consoles
Nope. You're high. Also, you can drop the American part. It's kind of implied when you say Turbo Grafx-16. No one cares about the PAL one.
and the least likely to have been modified by previous owners.
Nope again! Region modded TG-16's are more common than region modded PCEs. RGB mods are all over the duo, etc. but this is irrelevant.
I bought one for $15 just a few days ago. I was not suggesting that only the American Turbo Grafx did not have this problem. The thing is, if you buy an American Turbo Grafx on eBay and it doesn't work with the card, you can easily sell it and buy another one until you find one that works.
15$ is low, and you got lucky. They typically go for 30-50 in shops, and on eBay typically go for that, or more. They also cost more to ship and never come with the dust cover.
This is not the case with the Duo, which is quite expensive.
You can resell a "broken" (read: Doesn't work with flashcard) Duo in a matter of days. You can also easily sell a PCE. I don't know where you're getting your facts from, but you should stop getting them from there.
I got my boxed duo-r for 60$, by the way.
When I said the Neo Team flash device was primitive, I meant that it was primitive in comparison to the Everdrive which can support more memory and interchangeable flash cards. The Neo Team flash devices also do not work on all NEC systems. 16 Megabytes of flash memory is incredibly primitive by today's standards. The Everdrive is far superior to the Neo Team PC Engine flash device (and works on all standard Genesis/Megadrives as far as I know). Isn't that why you are all so enthusiastic that one will be released?
Flashcards for 25 year old consoles are primitive by 10 years ago's standards. What is your point? NeoFlash can store a healthy amount of games and supports all games released. So what, it doesn't support multiple memory cards. It's a FLASHcard. Use the easy to use USB device and reflash the frigging thing. I fit like 20 games on it at once. I can't imagine you really needing to have more than 20 on a card at any given time unless you're playing the first 10 minutes of a game and going OH OK TIME FOR ANOTHER.
Also, who's to say the everdrive for PCE won't have two issues:
1: It will be a huge honkin' board with shit all over it, as opposed to the primitive neoflash's slim form factor that matches a real HuCard and fits nicely in a jewel case with the rest of my collection
2: What if it too has functionality issues due to power consumption? That would be hilarious. I hope it does so I can laugh.
Whether we like it or not, there are less NEC Consoles out there than there are SNES, Genesis, Nintendos and their clones (which are still being made). This means that our beloved PC Engine will not get priority treatment over these other consoles. Again, this is just a reality we have to deal with. I'm not saying it will never happen, I'm just telling you guys not to get your hopes up and not to hold your breath.
I don't know if you've been paying attention, but the Turbob gets plenty of priority treatment. There are pretty much just as many current PCE fans as there are Genesis fans. It's not like we're a frigging Odyssey forum, flailing around about wanting a flashcard with all the blinky light bar programs.
We have more homebrew projects announced/in progress than the Sega, SNES, and NES combined, so neener neener. \o/
I didn't state that I knew him. I took his statement of a 2012 release to be an implication that serious development would not take place before 2012.
A whole whopping 26 days. Sue him!
The amount of consoles existing in the world which users would be buying these devices for is quite relevant
No it's not, probably. I'm pretty sure the guy does this for himself. If 3 people bought one he'd probably be just as thrilled as if 300 bought them.
because not only does the developer have more incentive to make those devices instead of devices for more obscure consoles,
FFS, the PCE/TG isn't obscure. Quit being dumb. You've already admitted you're doing it, so stop it.
but he also has to support those devices that he has already sold. That is WHY the Mega Everdrive is the higher priority.
Supporting the device has little to do with how many have sold.
You do realize that the target audience of any retro console is not too large, and picking one over the other really doesn't matter? It's personal preference. Why are you making up crap about the priorities of someone you don't even know? He likes Sega more than the other stuff, so he is doing the Sega stuff first.
THAT IS WHY IT HAS PRIORITY. It's not like he's got a spreadsheet of projected profits and release cycles spanning the next 5 years. Get a grip.
He is not all about profit, but profit is a factor. It isn't black or white.
I doubt profit is a factor. Anyone going into this crap with profit in mind is a dumbass. People who engineer devices typically aren't dumbasses.
That was fun.