Author Topic: FS: Turbografx Manuals  (Read 884 times)


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2011, 04:24:46 PM »
Email sent  :D
You may have meant to search for soporifics.


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2011, 10:00:40 AM »
I am interested in Neutopia 2 and Jacky Chan, but again those prices are way too high just for the hucards.

how about $60 for both?
SuperGrafx Versus SuperGun?


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2011, 10:06:23 AM »
My pm's have been ignored at this point. So good luck with the sale and to anyone who buys.  I'm out.

I replied to your first few PM's, but you kept asking for lower & lower prices and so I admit, I ignored the last one. I was too high for you, and you were too low for me. No problem.
SuperGrafx Versus SuperGun?


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2011, 10:11:33 AM »
I am interested in Neutopia 2 and Jacky Chan, but again those prices are way too high just for the hucards.

how about $60 for both?
PM sent.


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2011, 10:13:35 AM »
how about $60 for both?

About the same as eBay prices while you save the fees and the buyer forgoes the eBay bucks and buyer protections.  What a sweet deal!
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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2011, 10:43:17 AM »
how about $60 for both?

About the same as eBay prices while you save the fees and the buyer forgoes the eBay bucks and buyer protections.  What a sweet deal!

I offered $50 for Shockman and Jackie Chan loose.  NOW he decides to come down.  Lame.

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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2011, 10:44:58 AM »
My pm's have been ignored at this point. So good luck with the sale and to anyone who buys.  I'm out.

I replied to your first few PM's, but you kept asking for lower & lower prices and so I admit, I ignored the last one. I was too high for you, and you were too low for me. No problem.

Not accurate at all.  I offered $50 on the second try for both.  When you said no, I offered $25 for Jackie Chan.  (now one Hucard instead of the two).  How as is that asking for lower and lower?  You don't have to lie bro.

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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2011, 11:01:05 AM »
My pm's have been ignored at this point. So good luck with the sale and to anyone who buys.  I'm out.

I replied to your first few PM's, but you kept asking for lower & lower prices and so I admit, I ignored the last one. I was too high for you, and you were too low for me. No problem.

Not accurate at all.  I offered $50 on the second try for both.  When you said no, I offered $25 for Jackie Chan.  (now one Hucard instead of the two).  How as is that asking for lower and lower?  You don't have to lie bro.
I guess I'm getting ignored too. They are loose games, I can't imagine paying more than $25 for even the rarer ones.
Hell, I should have bought Neutopia 1 and 2 when I saw them at the retro gaming convention, they were $20 a piece boxed too no less.


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2011, 02:34:08 PM »
My pm's have been ignored at this point. So good luck with the sale and to anyone who buys.  I'm out.

I replied to your first few PM's, but you kept asking for lower & lower prices and so I admit, I ignored the last one. I was too high for you, and you were too low for me. No problem.

Not accurate at all.  I offered $50 on the second try for both.  When you said no, I offered $25 for Jackie Chan.  (now one Hucard instead of the two).  How as is that asking for lower and lower?  You don't have to lie bro.
I guess I'm getting ignored too. They are loose games, I can't imagine paying more than $25 for even the rarer ones.
Hell, I should have bought Neutopia 1 and 2 when I saw them at the retro gaming convention, they were $20 a piece boxed too no less.

dude, i am not ignoring anyone. i went out to dinner with my wife for a few hours. i will check & reply to pm's now that i returned home.

what is up with everyone around here? it's like members here have a sense of entitlement that they deserve to get everything dirt cheap. with regard to "mothergunner" and his argument, it's as simple as "attitude". you were nickel & diming me over & over with each subsequent pm. after the third or fourth time i was like forget this guy. don't get upset because someone else had a softer approach with me. plus, as was pointed out earlier by another member here, i was new to prices & values and was learning the perceptions around here.

i am a seller in this thread. as items sell, and inventory dwindles, i tend to lower prices on items that have not moved. you came in early "mg" and back then, i had certain prices in mind as well as a general amount of how much cash i had to generate on the lot of goods as a whole before being willing to lower the remaining items to assist.

anyhow, sorry your experience has not been so great with me. i have had similar scenarios with other sellers on other forums when i was the buyer. it just happens some times. it is not personal, just circumstantial.
SuperGrafx Versus SuperGun?


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2011, 02:45:26 PM »
My pm's have been ignored at this point. So good luck with the sale and to anyone who buys.  I'm out.

I replied to your first few PM's, but you kept asking for lower & lower prices and so I admit, I ignored the last one. I was too high for you, and you were too low for me. No problem.

Not accurate at all.  I offered $50 on the second try for both.  When you said no, I offered $25 for Jackie Chan.  (now one Hucard instead of the two).  How as is that asking for lower and lower?  You don't have to lie bro.

i just checked, and although i deleted most of the older PM's, i still had a couple of yours and no, YOU are the one lying bro, not me. you offered me $45 shipped for both, not $50 plus shipping. and yes, then you changed your mind again, and offered just $25 (again shipped) for the jackie chan by itself. but i had (at the time) other interested parties, and some of them were for "multiple cards or items" and sorry, but people who are buying more then 1 item, get priority as well as discounts to those only wanting 1 item.

trips to the post office, dealing with shipping, (jumping through hoops) are things that i try to keep at a minimum if i can to maximize my gain. how can you fault me for that?

SuperGrafx Versus SuperGun?


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2011, 02:53:46 PM »
My pm's have been ignored at this point. So good luck with the sale and to anyone who buys.  I'm out.

I replied to your first few PM's, but you kept asking for lower & lower prices and so I admit, I ignored the last one. I was too high for you, and you were too low for me. No problem.

Not accurate at all.  I offered $50 on the second try for both.  When you said no, I offered $25 for Jackie Chan.  (now one Hucard instead of the two).  How as is that asking for lower and lower?  You don't have to lie bro.
I guess I'm getting ignored too. They are loose games, I can't imagine paying more than $25 for even the rarer ones.
Hell, I should have bought Neutopia 1 and 2 when I saw them at the retro gaming convention, they were $20 a piece boxed too no less.

what is up with everyone around here? it's like members here have a sense of entitlement that they deserve to get everything dirt cheap.

What is up with sellers that want Ebay prices (as Necro noted) without the fees, and buyer protection?   Around here if your stuff is overpriced you get called on it.  No one expects everything dirt cheap, but you seem to gave your sights set to high.   A whopping 10 posts, and you pull the whiner card already...bodes well.
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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2011, 05:26:34 PM »
with regard to "mothergunner" and his argument, it's as simple as "attitude". you were nickel & diming me over & over with each subsequent pm. after the third or fourth time i was like forget this guy. don't get upset because someone else had a softer approach with me.

Um I did come up by $5.  Perhaps it was one of the pm's you ignored?  If you thought I was nickel and diming you, you certainly didn't make it known.  I don't know where you feel you got an "attitude" from me in the beginning.  On this thread, yes I have had an attitude based on the above developments.  What has not been said is that another member had pm'ed me and told me his experience with you (more negotiating back-and-forths were necessary with you to get you to bring your prices down).  He mentioned you had come down on your prices "significantly" so I figured I would try that approach.  Instead, you ultimately thought it was best to just ignore me rather than to say, "Hey MG, I am gonna go with another buyer as I cannot accept your offers, sorry" (that would have been fine).  Sorry that your experience with me wasn't of a more "softer approach"...  Didn't realize new members these days were so sensitive....

But no, MG has the  :roll:

For the record, I too have been called out on my prices in the past and since then MANY guys on these forums have gotten fantastic deals from me.  Those that know me here know I'm a stand up guy.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2011, 03:03:59 AM »
ok, well said. i am cool with all that. (mg)

all pm's replied to, all packages sent out this morning, and all prices lowered again.

SuperGrafx Versus SuperGun?


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2012, 03:21:34 PM »
Supergun, thank you! Hucards came in today and were wrapped up in anti static bag! Thanks for that little extra precaution!


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Re: FS/T: Turbografx Hu Cards & Manuals & Cases
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2012, 12:15:45 PM »
PM sent