Okay when you say freeze, I am going think loading. You can even take the game disc out while a game is playing because all the game data ( not including cd audio ) has been loaded into the memory.
I don't want people to endlessly scrub their lenses
thought about that, I would assume using something for a came from a photograph museum to clean the lens. Just a little swip. That is one of things I know that would fook up my system even more.
The person who decided Scrubbing
a CD lens. What is that horrid
thing steel wool?
buy multiple copies of a game
Well that is your own choice.
The PCE isn't as capable of recovering from a bad read as newer machines are.
Depends on the programmer. Newer machines have more powerful lasers, built inside them, and some games are programmed predicting the delayed load time. Some PCP games like ( the worlds most dissapointing sequel, ( to a game that could have lasted longer then Final Fantasy, Mario ( but instead they turned into a commercial nightmare ) ) on the face of most planets ) that game will restart the entire song once the game, is paused or will even warn the player to reload the disc. Other games like Choki Anki or Popful will just keep reading, ignoring errors, and whatever plays will play, hey look it is blockies. Steam hearts for example will just zoom pass dialouge and gives you an error screen instead.
Other games you will just have to guess