I've asked this before, but I've never had anyone provide a conclusive answer:
The CD version (Daisenpu Custom) appears to have the same Red Book tracks repeated over and over...so, you don't even get to enjoy the "soundtrack" aspect of the release. The song, from what I remember, was pretty mediocre, anyway.
I've spent 99% of my time playing the HuCard, not the CD, so I was hoping that someone who has played Custom can confirm that the Red Book music, is, essentially, a sham.
If the tracks aren't identical, they are modest variations on a theme that sound nearly identical to the main tune.
Please, for the love of PCE, help me figure this out
I don't even know where my Custom CD is...it's in a bin in the basement, sitting next to other disappointing titles like Australius and everything by Micro Cabin.