There's Legend of Wukong (though this may not technically count since it was just previously unreleased), Star Odyssey, Beggar Prince (Does this count too?), and I thought some other StupidFighter Team game. Maybe I am viewing it as "homebrew/newly released crap".
I should go back to the localshop and see if they still have that SNES game. I blew it off because its the SNES, and wasn't an RPG. The SNES may not have us beat, but the Genesis has more going on... for now. Even though the quality of the releases from SFT isn't that good (Their clamshell cases are frigging pathetic and break easy. It's like Family Dollar quality).
The Genesis has a better dev environment (the C support for the genesis doesn't suck!). I don't know about the community, but I'll assume it's a bunch of egotripping crabasses like every other dev community.
Someone who is Wikifriendly should add a turbob section.
As it stands, Aetherbyte and Frozen Utopia should be changing things to where PCE is the best homebrew scene for old consoles. Maybe Mindrec will re-form (with BT, not just Fragmare), and start doing stuff again.
Maybe Covell will come back and do some stuff. Maybe all the other nonsense floating around will get restarted/finished. There are a handful of people that I'd really like to know what happened to. DamageX especially.
The MSX will forever have us pummeled though. Even the Amigatards envy the MSX scene.