Lol, also czech out them rating they gave the games on the first picture.
Devil's crash 45%
Final Lap 40%
Final Match tennis 50%
OK, I dont know exactly what or how they have rated 'em. They also talk something about the Amiga and Arcade games..blabla..
I've heard that Czech critics do not inflate scores or pander to the Japanese developers they pirate from.
That said, Devil's Crash is such a finely polished game that holds up nicely today...
...and you can ding Final Lap Twin for the graphics and sound (czech one, czech two)... but the game itself plays and controls very nicely.
Even though I like Final Match Tennis game, it is the weakest of the three, yet it scored on par with Devil's Crash!
I'm beginning to wonder if they played these games!
Is there something we are missing?