speaking of ignorz, is it possible to find out who is ignoring me, so I can be mature and ignore them myself?
Arkhan, we are tied, first one to ten wins... 
You just kinda figure it out after awhile.
I know BigMoney Vegas ignores me since he stopped replying to my jabs, and doesn't show up like beetlejuice if *I* mention his name. His ignoring me means I won the war.
I know Supreme Retardo ignored me because, hes a retardocrybaby, and stopped replying to me making an ass of him. He said this forum uses swear words and we're all mean. Piss on him.
the other one is useless Gravis Zero's troll account that is probably actually banned on here. He's a tool. Who cares.
You could ask a moderator to look the crap up if you are that concerned. They should just make it public so you can find out who on the forum is a pussysandyvagjoeredifer.