Lets have some fun today!
I think the quick and dirty of it was....
Bought games from peeps at cheap forum prices...
Sold said games for very high prices on ebay in order to fund the purchase of a house
Close. A vast majority of the stuff I bought was on eBay paying high prices for it. I did pick up a handfull of things here but it wasn't very many.
You forgot:
Started thread about how people were gouging on eBay, which became very popular and useful, then was revealed to be a gigantic gouger himself and like a total lying pussy deleted said thread depriving the forum of valuable info in that thread including proof of his own dicketry.
Yeah, I made a thread called Gouging Much? one day over a guy selling a boxed Turbo for like $2500. Not just over inflated but unrealistic. I thought it was funny. I wasn't "revealed" like I was some eBay reseller in hiding, as your trying to make it sound. Besides, who needs proof of my dicketry, I clearly have stated what I've done several times and never tried to hide it.
Why did I delete alot of my posts? Alot of my posts were shit all over by people jumping into a swarm of anger. People stating things that weren't true and new ppl believing it and jumping on the bandwagon. Kinda like Jibbajaba there, taking stabs at me here and there (when I do actually post) even though he says it's hard to tell what happened.
Sold LE copy of Insanity sent directly to him by Arkhan for stupid price on eBay while copies were still avaible from Arkhan, essentially pulling a Ticketmaster on Arkham (ie: reaping profits when none are earned or deserved).
Yup, sold a signed copy of Ark's 1 of 20 limited release for a high price on eBay. I sold all of my games for high prices, never said I didn't. As for Ark's stock (Ticketmaster comment), when I listed it for sale, I had no idea he had any more for sale. I didn't call Ark and ask him what his current stock for sale was. NOONE knew he had any of those limited ones left until he saw I was selling it on eBay. He listed what he had left over on Ebay because he was pissed at me overpricing it and they flew off his shelves and were all sold out in less than a day. So noone knew he had them other than Ark, yet apparently I'm supposed to know what his current stock of a limited game he only made 20 of was. Uh no.
Continues to post here for no other reason than to say, "What?" and act like he never did any wrong in, apparently, an effort to repair his rep.
I continue to post because I want to and you cant stop me. You don't like me, that's ok, I don't like you either.
Worships money and profit above ethics honesty and morality, even by the standards of capitalist America.
That's sure stretching it.
1 Buys up games on eBay he wanted as a kid.
2 Finds PCEFX while searching the net.
3 Starts off first post here about Magical Chase. (forum oops)
4 Collected sealed games. (forum oops)
5 Made a WTB thread for games I was missing.
6 Wanted all my games complete with boxes. (forum oops to some)
7 Posts regularly and talks in shoutbox (when it was here)
8 Is referred to Digitpress.com to possibly find Magical Chase.
9 Buys Magical Chase (loose) on another forum for cheap ($225).
10 Posts thread on Digitpress once again asking for just the Magical Chase manual.
11 Guy who sold me the first MC offers me a second MC w/manual for cheap again, I buy it. ($275)
12 Don't need the first loosie MC so sell it on eBay for $400. (people go apeshit over it here)
13 Make a website with pics to show what different Turbo items, what pack-ins came with games, odds and ends, what came boxed, what didn't, what came with trays and what not. What complete boxed systems looked like. We even figured out there were 3 variations of Ys which noone had known before (thought it was helpful, some others did too however some loudmouths crapped all over the thread I made about it saying I was just showing off and it was worthless as a resourse)
14 Keep posting on the forums.
15 Buy up more games I need and complete my collection and update my turbo website.
16 Buy a complete turbo collection (in 1 auction) on eBay. It had been posted several times for a huge price and the guys poor english and wording made everyone stay away from it. I ended up getting all US huCards for $850. I swapped out all the manuals and Hucards with ones from my collection and only kept what was in the best condition. Then resold the worse set on eBay for a profit, improving the condition of my collection while flipping it for a profit. (forum members hated this as I made a profit and had 3 Magical Chases pass through my hands in months that were all resold but 1)
17 Collections done but odds and ends I pick up here and there.
18 Priorites changed and decided to buy a house. Market was low, interest rates were at an all time low. Decided for some fast easy cash, to sell my Turbo collection to settle loose ends to be able to buy a house.
19 Sell collection on mostly eBay, where most of it was bought, for high prices. (forum goes into an extreme rampage) Some items did sell to forum members, those people just don't mention it here ever. One Magical Chase was sold to a forum member, the 3 girls games noone can find was also, Bonk 3 CD and Bonk 3 Hu went to a member among many more.
20 Deleted threads (as people were so angry the truth didn't exist, just rage and all threads I made were shit all over.)
20 Mainly stop posting but still pop in once in awhile to see any new Turbo info. Read threads, occasionally see someone taking a stab at me and reply.
Thats what happened if you take out peoples attitudes and rants of calling me immoral, unethical and dishonest.
Its rather funny Zeta. I didn't lie, I didn't cheat, I didn't steal, I didn't rip anyone off. I sold my stuff.
Me posting a reply to a comment about myself is just as predictable as when I do, Zeta, Ark and Vestcoat are sure to follow.