Hi all, i present you my current projet ..
it's a pce game in ik/wotef style ..
For now level 1 is 80% done, menu 95% .
you can testing the menu, and level 1,and i apologize for low level of IA (which is in development).
All player moves are done, start/restart/end round,and many, many others are not ..
Game title is not definitive, but for now is "KARATE"
All collisions detection are not yet implemented(like low kick).
i'am planing to make 5 different levels, with bosses.each level has its own animations (only for background and master).
You can download here : https://rapidshare.com/files/4236678383/karate.zip
All is in archive (emulateur too), you have only to dezip it, and run the run.bat script ..
Controls are :
Emulator : I =f II=d run=return select=s
left ,right,up,down ..
I punch
II kick
up: up
diag left/right : forward/backward jump
down+I : low blow
up+II:kick skipped (i'am not sure in english)
up diag left/right+I: high punch
diag left/right+II: high kick
oposite direction+I+II:back kick
down diag left/right+I: low kick
up diag oposite direction+II: reverse high kick