So I was digging through some old boxes in my garage the other day and came across some ancient treasures - My original Duo's user manual, my original Turbografx-16's manual and the pack-in game catalog, a Sears flyer from 1990 (I'm guessing where I got the TG16 from bitd), and this game catalog from 1994. It's 30+ pages, and may be awhile before I get it completely scanned, but thought some of you may remember getting these in the mail and would get a kick out of how game prices have changed for our beloved system.
There isn't a date printed on it, but it seems to have been released in 1994 because they reference upcoming games being released in '95 for the Arcade Card. And Bomberman '94 is listed. And there's no mention of yet.
As I mentioned, there's over 30 pages with screenshots and descriptions of nearly every US Turbo game so when I have a free weekend, I'll scan the rest and post 'em up!