From what I've read it appears that the day/night cycle makes things a pain in the ass. My hope is that a group of us playing though it would be able to help each other get through it. But it might be too much to bite off, and like you guys said, it isn't my choice. 
The night/day cycle is only one variable in the strongest gaijin protection I've ever encountered in a JPRG. A single chapter's number of specific required actions is equal to the total number of actions required to complete some entire games. I can comfortably play through most JRPGs without a guide, but I got stuck regularly in LoX while using a translated guide.
I think that this "plays well together" idea is a perfect way to take down a game like LoX down the road. But it will literally probably be the hardest game to get through even as a group, as others will have a hard time understanding exactly which point you are at in a chapter and exactly what they had to do in the correct order.
If everyone is fine with the prospect of attempting Xanadu, having a number of people quite along the way, everyone waiting the longer than average time it will take even the fastest player to complete... and then try again with a different game once you hear that the rest of the players have finally either finished or given up... then go right ahead. But just the downtime between players struggling with the game vs those who managed to get through will be enough to play through multiple other PCE JRPGs and would make the "plays well together" experience seem less enjoyable for some people.
At the very least, playing through games that everyone is guaranteed to complete would be good training for those who are going to have the hardest time with LoX.