All carts have been shipped to their respective owners which brings this group buy to a close. A final thank you to all participant for making this possible.
Price per flash cart is $69.00. Shipping to my home is $56.00 or 3.50 per flash cart. I am currently planning USPS Priority Small Flat Rate Boxes for domestic shipments as it is an easy, fast, and affordable method.
International orders: After conversing with my local post office, I have decided to go with actual shipping cost since it will be cheaper in most cases than the flat rate box.
Here is the updated list of participants so far as well as their current status. I will keep this list updated, so keep an eye on it.
Mishran (Me) - Cart test: passed
genetik - shipped!
Sadler - shipped!
incrediblehark - shipped!
HercTNT - shipped!
Senshi - shipped!
henrycsc - shipped!
xelement5x - shipped!
Duo_R - shipped!
Sparky - shipped!
neoxeno - shipped!
esteban - shipped!
Terminarcade - shipped!
emartin373 - shipped!
mrhaboobi - shipped!
kiketonto - shipped!
c0ldb33r - shipped!
christoph - shipped!
Gogan - shipped!
tiptopjames - shipped!
[extra] - returned to IC2005 for exchange
I have stepped forward and am willing to take care of the order, purchase, and shipping (once received) of the Neo Flash carts. If anyone else wishes to take charge, please speak now or forever hold your peace. If you do not feel me trust worthy enough for this task, then please do not participate in the group buy.
I do not wish to be stuck with multiples of the cart and a severe hole in my wallet, so I must ask for half the cost of the units up front to prevent folks from backing out after the order has been made. If you do not like such an idea, then please state so now and your name will be removed from the list.
The cut-off date as been pushed back to the 21st, which will act as the last day to pay half (or all if you choose) the cost of your unit. If anyone else is interested in one, now is the time to act.
I will update the above list with new additions as well as votes as I receive them.
Stay tuned for more info and thanks in advance to everyone who is participating.