Naw shrap, lil was just saying you beat him to it. LIl, when Shraps raffle is over, go ahead and do yours anyways for those that didnt win. Up to you, just an idea.
f*ck this the only duplicate huey I had and I was gonna raffle it off!
Can I join if you don't mind?Bruce Lee is my distant relative.
See Shrapnoid, you're not such a bad guy
Quote from: Senshi on February 08, 2012, 10:50:17 AMSee Shrapnoid, you're not such a bad guyMaybe... I just need to get some things worked out in my life.Okay. IRuu, if you're too creeped out about my weird posts to give me your mail address, I can send it to someone who's willing to send it to you. It's cool. I'm not offended.Let me know something.