All those health fads are annoying. I like when fat vegetarians tell me that McDonalds is going to make me fat. Eating vegetables covered in ranch dressing and cheese is just as bad, dumbshits. That's why you're a 300lb vegetarian.
I just eat healthy during the week...usually it's like tuna, fruits, salady crap, soup whatnot. It's all pretty decent.
the weekends: Twinkies, slim jims, beefaroni, big macs, whatever. Usually ends up being Rally's or Taco Bell. I don't binge eat the stuff, I just go out and get enough to stop making me hungry.
Bottled water is stupid. I like drinking metal.
I also exercise enough to make me not worry. I'm at the age where I don't have to quite yet, but might as well get a head start.