I thought I'd start a topic here, & just see what kind of interest there would be for something like this. I've often thought about the idea of porting some Lynx games to the Turbo/PC Engine(keep in mind, I don't have an specifc plans or anything), & have thought about what games I'd like to port most. Ofcoarse, I'd have to get a coder at the very least, that has some mild interest. I'm pretty sure I can get a sprite artist or 2 onboard, & then I'd do the music.
One of the ones that comes to mind, is Slime World, however, there's already a Slime World on the Turbo & Genesis. And while I feel they could've done a better job, it just doesn't seem like it'd be worth it to do a slightly better version of that game. If anything I miss the most, it's the slime in the bg, seems like it'd be an easy tile pallette swapping, but I'm not coder. There's also Skweek on the Turbo, though, I don't think it's the exact same game, & Skweek is probably on some PC's for all I know. There were 2 versions of Pit Fighter(Hu card & CD) that still haven't seen the light of day, plus, it's technically an arcade game.
Dirty Larry. If I did that one, I would like to add some more moves, as well as add some more guns. Not to mention, I don't believe there's any music ingame. I recall there being a tune or 2 at the begining, but, like quite a few Lynx & Jag games, it's one of those that doesn't have level or boss music, so, I'd have to come up with some original stuff for it. I'd also maybe take some idea's from Technocop for Genesis. Atleast in the people blowing up department.
Kung Food. Once again, I would want to add more moves, that game had potential, but I don't recall it being all that fun, nor do I recall music ingame. I'm too lazy to boot it up. We'll eventually have a brawler in the works for the Turbo, so this(& possibly Dirty Larry) could maybe use that game's engine.
Guantlet 3. I think the Turbo could easily handle it. It'd need more music, I'd probably remake anything I can find from any of the other Guantlet games so that there's more dungeon tunes. I'd assume, like the Dungeon Explorer games, it could be 5 players. We could probably pull off the sprite scaling easily with frames of animation, though, if a level is really heavy on different types of enemies, there may just not be enough memory, atleast as a Super Cd.
Hydra & Turbo Sub. However, they'd probably take a hit in the scaling department. It's hard to say, especially with Hydra, if there'd be enough memory to have that many frames of animation for, well, everything.
Xybots. I think someone even suggested porting that over, though, I don't think it was someone who actually is a part of the homebrew scene. Even still, it(& Hydra) were both arcade games, so, not technically Lynx exclusive, though, AFAIK, there were no ports, atleast, not on a console.
Toki. Once again, arcade game, this one with several ports.
Electrocop. Probably not doable, atleast, not as-is. Maybe someone could come up with some ideas.
Gates of Zendocon. I'd want to atleast have 3 choices of main weapons, though, there's plenty of shmups on the Turbo.
Power Factor & Switchblade 2 could both probably be pretty cool, including the adding of music for Switchblade 2, I think Power Factor had music.
Viking Child. This would be a cool one, maybe speed it up slightly, add music. It's kind of got a Wonderboy in Monsterland feel, though, I think it may not be an exclusive Lynx game though.
So, any thoughts, anything you'd really like to see maybe some day hopefully if my dreams come to fruition? I've got too many projects right now at the moment, but, still, doesn't hurt to dream.