Basically he sticks up for things he feels need sticking up for and condemns things that are too popular, in his opinion.
It has nothing to do with popularity. The Amiga is an overrated POS as far as gaming goes. I was in the Amiga scene for like, I dunno 6-7 years, along with the Commodore 64. I got tired of that nonsense.
It's a pain in the ass to work with, a pain in the ass to set up, and the games are largely complete crap with over arped music and lame ass guitar samples. The machine is powerful, the operating system is revolutionary, and at the time, it was a powerful machine... but nowadays, it's a clusterf*ck.
The only games of merit are the Psygnosis games, and stuff you can play on the PC instead. I think the only game I can recall that is an amiga exclusive that's worth a damn is Agony. Graphics are usually great, but the games themselves are usually pretty lame. Games that are on Amiga AND C64 are usually more fun on the C64, for whatever reason. Netherworld, Menace, and Turrican come to mind. Shadow of the Beast is better on the Amiga, but still sucks compared to the PCE one...
Anyway, using your logic, I should condemn the PCE. I don't. The PCE rules all. Other popular things you don't see me condeming: NES, Genesis, and MSX.
I don't buy into all the retro chipblurpderping shit that so many others buy into. Tim Follin can suck it. His music is nice, but it's nothing to drop your pants and fap to. It's going to take more than shiney graphics on an Amiga to impress me. I had an Amiga 500 growing up. I played plenty of crap on it when it was current. You know what I did? I said
"this blows" and played Sega and TG-16 instead. Or I fired up Doom, Might and Magic, D&D games, and tons of other PC stuff that played better than the Amiga games.
Amiga? Sucks. iPhone? Sucks.
Yes, and yes! Apple stopped delivering useful products sometime in the early 90s. I love the Apple ][ line of computers, and the early power macs and shit. This new iMac crap? All this i whatever crap? Useless.
But Hylide, Energy and China Warrior? Those games are f*ckING AWESOME...even though %99 of the people who have ever owned them consider them more or less totally unplayable. IIRC he even stuck up for the Cybiko.
My China Warrior campaign caused people to try it again and some of them even went "oh , hey this is pretty good". It was like turning a light switch on for some.
Hydlide? Most of the complainers are dumbasses. It isn't Hydlide's fault that roundeye is too stupid to read the instructions and compares everything to Zelda. The game must not be that bad, considering it got the same kind of remake treatment Ys got in Japan for Windows.
If we held a poll deciding what the crustiest system ever was, like Odyssey II or Spectrum, and then voted to see what the most miserably boring POS on that platform was, like a sock trading game or a snake clone that only worked via a keyboard that had no numpad and used relative directional input, he would defend it. Its just what he does.
No I wouldn't. I defend things that get shit on unfairly by ignorant tools.
Its only %90 being a contrarian dick though. I really think the other %10 comes from understanding programming much better than most of us and a respect for what has been done with even the crappiest of software.
Not to mention how games like Hydlide paved the way for bigger things, and how China Warrior, the first game for the PCE, dwarfed all the other games at the time. It's even got parallax.