honestly, the weapon combo i prefer in Blazing Lazers is the (I) vulcan powered up all the way with the (H) homing missiles also powered up all the way... even without the 100 pink orb trick. For whatever reason, when you use the homing missiles with the vulcan, you spit out 8 missiles instead of the normal 4. Also, when you grab 4 or 5 more (H) icons, your missiles get to a point where they're racing around the screen at blinding speeds, viciously attacking enemies. With full powered (I) + (H), your offensive power is such that you're nearly unstoppable. Another good combination for maximum defense is the full powered (IV) weapon with the (S) shield. Enemy bullets simply don't get through enough to kill you. (III) + (F) at full power is also pretty badass. It creates a super fast homing laser that forks in two directions and attacks everything, one enemy after another. For spamming the screen with firepower and killing lots of popcorn enemies, nothing tops full power (II) + full powered (M). You're shooting so many waves that no 1-hit enemy can survive on the screen for more than a split second. It doesn't do much damage to bosses, though.