Ok, So, I've been doing some thinking.
The PCE homebrew scene has undergone a bit of a change since 2008-9. A positive one!
We've got a bunch of new projects in the works from all kinds of people (sweet). Squirrel 3.0 is on the rise (coming very soon. As soon as the Protocards finish their final tests and get out the door)... so here's the thing:
Pyramid Plunder has been just about done since June, and stalled right there while the HuCard's happened, and some other shit (school. holidays. snow.) So, here are some options I was thinking about in the interest of advancing things.
1) We continue working on Retrocade as planned, waiting to release it until every game is done.
2) We polish up Pyramid Plunder, get it all 100% ship-shape, and press that bitch and sell it instead of sitting on it for who knows how long. Then, Atlantean gets released next (possibly to HuCard), since it is the main focus now. It will be pretty spiffy, probably to the tune of Galaga 88 vs. Galaga. Will definitely be able to stand on it's own.
After that, the REST of the Retrocade games get finished and released as ROMs, free of charge for you guys. This means Jungle Hunt, Joust, and the Skate or Die Ramp.
Once everything planned is done, we release the pressed-Retrocade with all of the games + a few extra things to set them apart from the freebie roms so it's worth buying + all the games that appeared on the Protocards, with some tweaks as well.
I feel method 2 is the best plan. It gets this stuff out to people to play and talk about instead of speculating about them and seeing screenshots of stuff. I want games out there, not .bmp's.
The price of the CDs will probably be cheaper than Insanity since the general vibe I got was that 30$ was too much money. Assuming we go with Plan 2, I expect to drop Insanity's price again as well.
So, what's everyone think?
In any event, the Protocards will be ready to go to you people in the very near future. Like, before St. Pattys Day. Hell, before the end of February, I hope.
They work. The menu is made, the games are done... we're just making sure there aren't any retarded bugs or stupid "oops" things in them that would really make it kinda lame to sell in that state. We COULD sell the things like, now, but what would end up happening is someone will go HEY a$$hole, LOOK AT THIS BUG, and we'd look stupid.