Arkhan, I think the scene needs both. It needs existing homebrew to get people interesting and it needs accessible tools so that others can enter the field. This is a chicken and egg conundrum.
You're missing the point, lol.
The problems within HuC won't be noticed until you become advanced a bit and need more out of it. HuC on the surface is very accessible and very useful. Newcomers can use HuC just fine, and there are enough open-source'd little examples to show how things work and how to use it.
New people won't notice or be affected by the problems it has. The problems will come when people start wanting to f*ck with raster fx, or do really obnoxious games.
At that point though, with a machine like the PCE, it's expected that you get cracking with assembly. There's already a perfectly fine assembler.
To demonstrate this point further, look at the MSX homebrew scene. They have yearly competitions and game releases, and there's usually at least one new person.
They're typically just using an assembler and Z80 assembly.
We already have an easier to access platform than the MSX in that regard. What the hell more do you really want?