Here is
EGM's 1993 Buyer's Guide (.pdf) (I'm just learning how to use the OCR software, so the text embedded in the .pdf is pretty garbled...)

See which TG-16 titles earned some respect from EGM editors (hint: Cosmic Fantasy 2, Air Zonk, Gate of Thunder, etc.). Also, inspect the enigmatic (and unreleased) Bonk RPG as well as the interesting category created for Dragon Knight 3 (PCE). The most interesting category? Well, that would have to be the "BEST VIDEO GAME RUMOR" (Street Fighter II as a CD-ROM for TG-CD and Sega CD! Imagine the loading times!) You might also enjoy the prescient article entitled "CDs—The Future of Video Gaming" amongst other TG-16 goodies.
If you want to get high-resolution .jpg files of individual pages, use the .pdf as a reference to change the PAGE NUMBER in the link below:
http://archives.tg-16.com/EGM/EGM_BG_1993_001.jpg (for the cover "page 001")