Author Topic: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta  (Read 6488 times)


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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #105 on: March 02, 2012, 05:57:40 PM »
I found one way to freeze it ever single time on level 1-5.  

You have to have one of the things that pauses the mummies.  So as soon as level 1-5 starts, press II to freeze the mummies right away, now go to the right and get the first cross to turn the mummies purple and get that first mummy right there.  Now once the timer runs out it will freeze.  First I thought I had to be running against a wall, but it seems it will freeze no matter what.  

If you keep pressing I to unfreeze the game and then press II again right away (if you still have one of the mummy pause things) then you can freeze the game again.


Same thing on 1-4 and 2-5 so far as well.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 06:10:48 PM by Vecanti »


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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #106 on: March 02, 2012, 06:21:43 PM »
Here is level 2-5:

After the pink scorpion came through the wall he got stuck in the empty area :)


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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #107 on: March 03, 2012, 06:28:07 AM »
Vecanti: Master Bug Hunter
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #108 on: March 03, 2012, 10:26:14 AM »
Vecanti: Master Bug Hunter
Well, it's actually a pretty fun game and I think it's more that I've spent too many hours playing. :)  Not a huge Pac Man fan, but I love Ms. PacMan ( I know that makes no sense probably ) and this reminds me a lot of Ms. Pacman on steroids.  With all the "weapons" and the added strategy of just being able to walk fast when needed, this games a gem.


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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #109 on: March 03, 2012, 10:54:31 AM »
Yeah the bonus items are coming along nicely so far. I love the run bonus!
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #110 on: March 03, 2012, 12:28:03 PM »
Vecanti: Master Bug Hunter
Well, it's actually a pretty fun game and I think it's more that I've spent too many hours playing. :)  Not a huge Pac Man fan, but I love Ms. PacMan ( I know that makes no sense probably ) and this reminds me a lot of Ms. Pacman on steroids.  With all the "weapons" and the added strategy of just being able to walk fast when needed, this games a gem.

just wait til you hear the rest of the music! :)

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #111 on: March 03, 2012, 06:32:56 PM »
Real Hardware --> SUPERCD+White PCE: I'm playing the older image of Pyramid Plunder + the music from Maniac Pro Wrestling and, surprisingly, they complement each other nicely (subsong 13, as I type this...). No, I'm not joking.

I really think you should consider my earlier suggestions (especially incorporating Moai in the game, by any means necessary...) 

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #112 on: March 04, 2012, 08:37:27 AM »

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #113 on: March 04, 2012, 06:49:48 PM »
OK, finally had some time to sit down and get in some quality play time with Pyramid Plunder. Most of my observations have already been made by others, but I think I have a couple insights which are original.

1) The music is really interesting, though it does get a tad repetitive given how long it takes to clear such large levels.

2) The sound effects are retro AND appropriate. Same for the graphics. Good job!

3) I love the run ability, and I like that you have to stop running to pick anything up. It might be worth making a minor tweak to try and nerf the use of the medium turbo speed to both run AND interact with stuff.

4) The level scrolling is too loose. I can get WAY too close to the edge of the screen before the level scrolls over. This makes it very difficult to know if it is safe to wander into off-screen territory. The mini-map helps, but if you're looking at the mini-map you're not looking at the screen.

5) I find the mini-map most useful to figure out where the enemies are when I get a power pellet and to figure out where the rest of the level is relative to me. It is not as useful in the moment when I'm trying to figure out what's off-screen immediately in the direction I'm headed, in part because that's a little too imminent for me to want to try to switch focus.

6 a) The levels are just too big. The ability to run helps, but when you're doing actual work, picking up pellets, nabbing baddies, and trying to actually grab the power-ups that float on-screen, you have to be walking, so you are inherently slow going about the real business of the game. Between how long it takes to clear the level and the enemy AI, the levels start to drag about 1/3 to 1/2 in. The Pac-man AI works well for small boards, but it gets quite lost on these larger levels

6 b) I like the IDEA of big levels, and I think there can be a place in the game for them, but they're likely to need a bit of reworking. Perhaps a more aggressive AI that is quite different from Pac-man, more off-screen wrap locales, and faster warps. Basically, if there's a way to speed up play on the larger levels, either by ensuring there's a steady stream of power-ups to speed up the characters or warps, wraps, and other shortcuts to zip around the level, then they'll become more interesting and more challenging. I do like some of your big map layouts, and I hope you don't scrap larger maps altogether so much as find a way to make them work a little better, perhaps intermixed with smaller, faster levels.

6 c) Maybe the larger maps could be challenge levels. Have a series of smaller (but still possibly bigger than a single screen, in some cases) maps and then have a huge map as a challenge map. Might be worth playing with the idea of more than 4 enemies, and even a second respawn base, on the bigger maps. That would also let you introduce more AI routines. It could be quite dangerous and cluster-f*ck-y, but it could also make for more opportunities to score big points taking down enemies with power pellets. Any changes like these, however, would probably require lots of extra play-testing, so that's a major drawback.

7) The combination of the late level scrolling and the fast movement power-up is almost as dangerous as it is useful. It is great fun as long as you're staying on your current screen, but as soon as you have to move to a new area and scroll the screen, it becomes quite dangerous, because of the small view distance and the high rate of speed. Might be nice to have the run button (as in the button that makes you run, not the Run button) slow you down when you have the speed power-up as a way to give you some finer control back.

8) Some of the enemies seem very reluctant to leave the enemy base/home. I had one game where one of the baddies spent almost the entire latter half of a level just wandering back and forth in the base and not popping out for me to either flee or kill.

9) Because the levels are so big, currently, it can take the ghosts of the enemies a really long-ass time to get back to the base to respawn.

10) The ghosts are adorable. I love their bouncy locomotion.

11) The little Indiana Jones jingle at the start screen is a cute homage, but it REALLY doesn't mesh well musically with the title theme that immediately follows it.

12) I think your engine is technically sound. Everything looks and sounds good, and everything plays pretty well, at least until the screen scrolls or until I've played half the level and am starting to get a little burned out on the level taking too long to finish.

13) Is there any chance you could/would implement a little bit of a control buffer? Let me see if I can explain what I mean. If I'm walking down a corridor to a T intersection, where I can go either left or right, if I don't push left or right I just stop and run in place. OK, that's cool. If I hit left or right a square early but don't hold it, I also stop. It might be nice if it buffered the last direction press for a few milliseconds/a full map square until it can actually perform the desired direction. That way you could just tap left or right as you get close to the intersection and if your timing isn't perfect you don't just run into the wall and stand there. I tend to prefer tapping the Dpad to holding the Dpad in these constant motion-type games, and if the directional presses aren't buffered just a little, it makes the tapping style of play a little harder vs the holding style, IMO. I realize this is kind of an esoteric complaint, but it was salient for me.

14) It was interesting to try and figure out what the power-ups do. Some of them are more valuable than others, but they do add a nice variety to the game.

I guess I'll post again if I have any other thoughts on the game. So far I'm pretty impressed. I do hope this title continues to mature nicely.

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #114 on: March 05, 2012, 12:53:43 AM »
1) The music is really interesting, though it does get a tad repetitive given how long it takes to clear such large levels.
Yeah.  There are more tracks coming to switch it up some.  If the maps get shrunk and become faster to clear, this should be less of an issue.

2) The sound effects are retro AND appropriate. Same for the graphics. Good job!
Damn straight!

3) I love the run ability, and I like that you have to stop running to pick anything up. It might be worth making a minor tweak to try and nerf the use of the medium turbo speed to both run AND interact with stuff.
It's difficult to nerf that.  It's like the spinflip flying in Bonk.  It's up to the player to not be a sissy, I guess.  :)

4) The level scrolling is too loose. I can get WAY too close to the edge of the screen before the level scrolls over. This makes it very difficult to know if it is safe to wander into off-screen territory. The mini-map helps, but if you're looking at the mini-map you're not looking at the screen.
Anyone else besides Spenoza, and I think TheOldRover agree with this?  I've heard it both ways.  I guess it could be shrunk if enough people think it should be.

6 a) The levels are just too big. The ability to run helps, but when you're doing actual work, picking up pellets, nabbing baddies, and trying to actually grab the power-ups that float on-screen, you have to be walking, so you are inherently slow going about the real business of the game. Between how long it takes to clear the level and the enemy AI, the levels start to drag about 1/3 to 1/2 in. The Pac-man AI works well for small boards, but it gets quite lost on these larger levels

6 b) I like the IDEA of big levels, and I think there can be a place in the game for them, but they're likely to need a bit of reworking. Perhaps a more aggressive AI that is quite different from Pac-man, more off-screen wrap locales, and faster warps. Basically, if there's a way to speed up play on the larger levels, either by ensuring there's a steady stream of power-ups to speed up the characters or warps, wraps, and other shortcuts to zip around the level, then they'll become more interesting and more challenging. I do like some of your big map layouts, and I hope you don't scrap larger maps altogether so much as find a way to make them work a little better, perhaps intermixed with smaller, faster levels.
The big maps were a bit of a gamble, and I couldn't gauge their playability very well while making them.  That's what everyones testing is for :).  Alot of stuff that seems good on paper (the map editor) may end up being awful to play.   I looked at a few of the maps and can definitely see how some of them might be f*ckin annoying.  What I was thinking about doing was similar to what you see in the scorpion screen from Vecanti. 

Keep the maps big, but make sections that are fully blocked off and pelette-less, so they are mostly just decoration.   I tried to use as much of the maps as possible for pelette grabbing.  That may have been a mistake. :)

What makes the big maps drawn out is that I've put too many gold bars on all the maps, I think. 

6 c) Maybe the larger maps could be challenge levels. Have a series of smaller (but still possibly bigger than a single screen, in some cases) maps and then have a huge map as a challenge map. Might be worth playing with the idea of more than 4 enemies, and even a second respawn base, on the bigger maps. That would also let you introduce more AI routines. It could be quite dangerous and cluster-f*ck-y, but it could also make for more opportunities to score big points taking down enemies with power pellets. Any changes like these, however, would probably require lots of extra play-testing, so that's a major drawback.
I don't know if two houses would be a great idea (would require rewriting the ghost AI significantly, iirc).  What I might do is tweak it so the maps go from little to big with each world.

7) The combination of the late level scrolling and the fast movement power-up is almost as dangerous as it is useful. It is great fun as long as you're staying on your current screen, but as soon as you have to move to a new area and scroll the screen, it becomes quite dangerous, because of the small view distance and the high rate of speed. Might be nice to have the run button (as in the button that makes you run, not the Run button) slow you down when you have the speed power-up as a way to give you some finer control back.
Think of it like the hammer in Donkey Kong.

8) Some of the enemies seem very reluctant to leave the enemy base/home. I had one game where one of the baddies spent almost the entire latter half of a level just wandering back and forth in the base and not popping out for me to either flee or kill.

9) Because the levels are so big, currently, it can take the ghosts of the enemies a really long-ass time to get back to the base to respawn.
Yeah.  The ghosts are kind of derp.

11) The little Indiana Jones jingle at the start screen is a cute homage, but it REALLY doesn't mesh well musically with the title theme that immediately follows it.
That was the point, lol.

14) It was interesting to try and figure out what the power-ups do. Some of them are more valuable than others, but they do add a nice variety to the game.
They'll be explained in the manual, lol.

There are up to 5 enemies per world. 

So far, key things that need addressed:
Make the maps less brutal/tedious
Make the scroll point closer to the character
Make the ghosts less retarded


Fixing the ghost-crash-wall-doom is first though.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #115 on: March 05, 2012, 03:53:02 AM »
4) The level scrolling is too loose. I can get WAY too close to the edge of the screen before the level scrolls over. This makes it very difficult to know if it is safe to wander into off-screen territory. The mini-map helps, but if you're looking at the mini-map you're not looking at the screen.

For me, probably more then anything, this needs to be addressed.  It's like Exile 2, that's not a good thing :)  My second biggest gripe probably would be the large mazes.  I like the idea of there maybe being smaller mazes, & then a large trickier maze/boss level at the end of each world.


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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #116 on: March 05, 2012, 04:04:35 AM »
For me, probably more then anything, this needs to be addressed.  It's like Exile 2, that's not a good thing :)  My second biggest gripe probably would be the large mazes.  I like the idea of there maybe being smaller mazes, & then a large trickier maze/boss level at the end of each world.

Yeah.  The scrolling should probably be tweaked.

As for the maps, I can tone them down and make it so you don't have to get so many bars to win. 

That should make it better.  I hope.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #117 on: March 05, 2012, 05:12:48 AM »
Finally played it yesterday and really, really love it. Yes, the larger levels are a bit cumbersome; at least for the first few levels when there isn't really much challenge. I could stand to have more enemies on the map to add a bit of intensity, but perhaps that's just me.

Great job, though! Can't wait to play the final version.
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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #118 on: March 05, 2012, 05:26:52 AM »
Shrinking the maps and making them less retarded should make things more difficult.  These maps are poorly done.  They'd work great for D&D though (thats where my level experience comes from!)
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Pyramid Plunder Public Beta
« Reply #119 on: March 05, 2012, 08:15:04 AM »
So far, key things that need addressed:
Make the maps less brutal/tedious
Make the scroll point closer to the character
Make the ghosts less retarded


Fixing the ghost-crash-wall-doom is first though.

Jya, das moesly eet.

What are your thoughts on the directional flexibility/buffering issue? I'm just curious to know what you think.
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