Okey dokey:
Title Screen-this song will be an extra, it'll probably be the last song I do, incase I need to switch gears, or foresee an extreme lack of time coming up.
Stage Select-done
Stage Start-done
Fireman-in process of fleshing it out & finishing it
Iceman-basic tune done, need to flesh it out
Gutsman-basic tune done, need to flesh it out
Bombman-basic tune done, need to flesh it out
Elecman-basic tune done, need to flesh it out
Boss fight-done, but may go back & tweak it slightly
Boss Victory-done
Wily Stage 1-basic tune done, needs fleshing out
Wily Stage 2-done, but might do some tweaking to the drums
Wily Stage Bosses-done
Dr. Wily Final Battle-done, this is an extra special song I did, since Wily doesn't have his own tune in the original game, so I compiled my song from a few different Mega Man sources. If there's any song I'd love to show off, it's this one!
Final Victory-done
Ending Credits-done
Game Over-done
There's a few lil' jingles I may find a way to include in this, but, like with the Title Screen, I'd like to get all the regular songs done first.