PD: Yes both audio options: chiptunes (chip generated)
and red book. As far as parallax, I would say it's out of the question. Even though I'm giving the game engine access to PCE features, it's still done via emulation. As if this were running on a "Famicom SuperGrafx". The initial video hardware structure and design is not changed, so you still have cpu resource over head. That and this method only slightly breaks and replaces things. For parallax, you would need to break major functions of the game. That's not my goal. I have working game already, so I want to do as minimal change as possible to the game
*engine* to get these upgrades in there. So while a ton of hacking could result in that freedom, that's isn't my goal specifically because the time required to learn the deeper inner workings of the game (I mean, you really have to learn it as if you wrote the whole thing) and all that sort of junk.
The enhanced PSG driver/player would still need to be on the lite side. Not taking any more cpu resource than the original one. But that's fairly easy.
Chris: Love the saw version