Some guy in France is making them. It was normally just a white hucard he made, but he put the MM sticker on it recently. You'll have to get in contact with him, to see if he's selling the hucards. I want one too ;>_>
Well, if I was you and wanted one, I'd send him a nicely worded email demanding one as payment, letting him know that you're responsible for that port and that he's been cashing in, partly, on your hard work, not just his in creating that repro and loading it up with a patched ROM image, etc.! In principle, this should require a contacting of all relevant parties, you know, if you wanna at least appear to have some sense of fairness, decency, etc. but we all know how shit works on the Internet, don't we ?? Of course Capcom would ignore anything from some guy on the Net and for an old, dead system, but to avoid a fan or fan team entirely ?
No, no. You misunderstand. He created a 'flash' card. It's all white. I ~think~ he's selling those; not sure (the site/forum is in french. Might just be a personal flash card. Dunno). Someone told him about the Megaman PCE game, and so he uploaded the rom and put a sticker on it. He's not making repro's that I know of.
saturndual32: Hey, I didn't realize that you had an account here
Those are Fragmare's sprites. They need a tiny bit of tweaking, but I like 'em.
Yeah, I'm actually working on doing all the sprites in the game right now (upgrading their size and color counts). It's slow and a pain, because I have to make all the enemy tables (x/y/attrib/tile) by hand. And I have to verify that it aligns up with original. I did this with Megaman and Cutman, but thankfully the enemy sprites don't have a lot of animation to them (compared to MM and the bosses). But I need to get this out of the way. I can't wait to start upgrading the tiles/tilemap. I was thinking about expanding and changing the levels a little bit - to freshen up the game. I was never happy with Bombman's level. That needs a graphic overhaul. And maybe just a bit of parallax thrown in, too. Once I get all the sprites upgraded to PCE format, I'll have much more room in the SAT as well as sprite per scanline limit - for adding sprites in for parallax effects.