Anyway, if I make some duplicate stuff I'll give it out if some of you guys are interested. I can't guarantee it'll be pro grade stuff though.
Hell yes, of course some of us are interested in that.
I am trying to think of projects that don't seem (initially, at least) to be too complicated...
(1) a gampad seems challenging (all the angles, the rounded edges on bottom, the "bump" raised center where the PCE/TG-16 logo is) -- BUT, if you simplified the design (keeping things flat, eliminating extra bumps) you might be happier (as a "beginner" project"). Regardless, this would also be the koolest item because pads are constantly used and
visually interesting due to all the intricacies of design.
(2) Turbo/DUO Tap shell might be the easiest...though it isn't as visually interesting as a pad, and it doesn't get used/handled as frequently.
(4) THE MOST POINTLESS PROJECT: Make a TV Tuner shell (TG Express)! I might be the only person who would actually think this was kool. Sadly, I would only use the item for the A/V IN.
(5) I won't even mention the TurboBooster(Plus).
(6) TRULY THE MOST POINTLESS: A pachinko controller! You would probably get death threats from the less-mentally-stable members here for dedicating time and energy into a PCE pachinko controller.
I'll stop now, but, a DUO/Turbo Tap seems like a (relatively) easy project for an item that would actually be used.
I fully support any direction you decide to pursue, even if you simply want to make cigarette cases with the TG-16 logo