Fools! The Sega Master System port is the only one that matters:
omg....sometimes i wonder why companies even bother with making stuff like this? even THE most desparate SF fan who ONLY owns a Master System would still not get any jollies playing this hackjob
What's most f'd about it is that it's SF:CE but yet they used the character select art from Super!? Which is where i give it it's props, the art there is pretty impressive.
Anyways, with surprisingly 6 pages already on this thread, i have to chime in since i was HUGE SF fan (my avatar might give that away, haha) back then and still am a SF player now (SF x Tekken anyone?). I don't have much to say in regards to what system was best for it...I'm just gonna say that as long as whichever version had tight enough controls for when me and my SF posse fought to not effect the matches, i'm down for any SF. I had the PCE one, my other buddy had the Genny, and another the SNES, and we'd play whichever one just depending on who's house we we're hanging out at. I was just thankful enough these home versions were close enough to arcade (in terms of combo timing, and strategies) that when we sparred/practiced at home, we'd be able to put up a fight "and then some" when we hit the arcades for the real challenges! Quarters up and all!
I'd rather talk about the historical significance of Street Fighter 2 (and all it's versions) to that period of time in video games, actually :-"