Author Topic: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?  (Read 1500 times)


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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2012, 12:18:55 AM »
The "official Android store" version of Nectaris may have some annoying aspects (see below). This was European store and the app may have since been updated. If you can shed light on the current state of these games, please do so!

Here is a fellow Nectaris fan's immediate thoughts on Android version (quoting from email):

Morning Esteban,

Apologies for the delay in my response.
Well, the Android port I found two links describing the game (see below). The first one has only one comment and states that the game is great.
The second one is from the official Android market place site and unfortunately I must agree with the user comments on there.
The AI of the computer is ridiculous. The only strategy the machine seems to follow is to send foot soldiers out to capture your base. It doesn't even seem keen on capturing factories. Also the computer only seems to attack once you're within (reasonable) reach, otherwise units will just sit there idle.
The biggest gripe is that the back button (which is an actual button on a lot of Android phone models) exits the game without warning without saving your progress. I've lost all my progress in a level several times like that, VERY annoying!
Then on the other hand the game costs 3.10GBP, which is about the price of a pint of beer in London, sooo... not the end of the world. Damn shame though that Hudson seems to have ported it half assed.

I'll get back to you regarding the sound files soon.
All the best,
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 12:49:31 AM by esteban »
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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2012, 04:15:31 AM »
I still want a comparison between Android Military Madness 2 and iOS Military Madness Neo Nectaris.

I have not played the Android version, but I'll try to post a review that someone emailed me. I wanted to play the Android version to verify the review, but at this point...

Here are my thoughts on the iOS version:

First, Black_Tiger is absolutely correct: the PCE SuperCD version of Neo Nectaris is the best. If folks can afford it (or emulate it), it is the most satisfying experience. However, the graphically updated ports (iOS and Xbox) are still fun, and some folks might actually prefer the new aesthetics (all the weapon designs are "heftier" and more substantial than the original).  

Second, the touch controls work great! Moving units on the hex grid is so much more pleasurable than using a controller. Some folks won't care either way, but touch controls really increase the immediacy of the handheld experience (you are literally touching the units and the map). For handheld games (iPad included), this is awesome. What's funny is that the touch controls are NOT exceptionally implemented in the iOS version. It is a standard implementation. I wish the developers had actually taken the time to FULLY EXPLOIT the touch UI possibilities. Nonetheless, the iOS touch controls are a BENEFIT to the game.

TRIVIAL: The iOS version takes the cinemas directly from the PCE SuperCD version, which is nice, but does not display it full screen   and provides text as a substitute for the original voice acting. This is trivial, but I don't mind getting pedantic :)

TRIVIAL: Gone is the gorgeous Red Book soundtrack. iOS does allow you to play your own music, so, technically if you ripped mp3's you'd have a fun time mixing the old with the new (I can't believe I never thought of doing this before!) I was listening to the Valis II soundtrack (one of my faves of all platforms) and it actually worked really well with Neo Nectaris.

BOTTOM LINE: the iOS version is certainly worth getting and does not possess any flaws. From a purists perspective (such as myself) it would have been awesome if they provided the option to play with the original sprites in addition to the updated ones...a small nod to the game's roots).

Thanks so much for your input, I read everything, very interesting stuff.

p.s. Xbox XBLA version is the same as the PSN/PS3 and WiiWare versions, based on the original not the sequel  ;)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 05:48:06 AM by SuperGrafx16 »


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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2012, 10:53:38 AM »
Well, I bought the iOS version for my iPhone (don't have an Android anymore) and I am loving it.

I wish I still had my copy of Neo Nectaris for the Turbo Duo / Super CD-ROM but the iOS version will have to do for now.  Gosh this game is addictive as F***!


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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2012, 12:14:54 AM »
Well, I bought the iOS version for my iPhone (don't have an Android anymore) and I am loving it.

I wish I still had my copy of Neo Nectaris for the Turbo Duo / Super CD-ROM but the iOS version will have to do for now.  Gosh this game is addictive as F***!

Yes, it is addictive. I wish they had a "Classic Mode" with the ability to switch sprites...but the game is still fun.

I don't think you should cheat, but if you need to, Matthew Emirzian's Guide to Neo Nectaris (iOS)

I should really use "iOS" on the website now. I don't know if folks will find the FAQ if I only mention "iPhone". The times, they are a'changin'...

« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 12:17:09 AM by esteban »
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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2012, 04:21:30 AM »
Yes indeed the game on iOS is addictive as hell.  I don't care for the graphics though, however it's the gameplay that truly matters  :mrgreen:


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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2012, 05:08:50 AM »
I'm having a hell of a time trying to clear MONROE, even with the Base Netcraris strategy guide.   What a bitch of the level!  ](*,)


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Re: Nectaris experts, what is the definitive version of Neo Nectaris?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2012, 07:38:18 AM »
Finally cleared the normal campaign, but man the advanced campaign is a real bitch!  Really gotta use terrain and tactics, otherwise, you're toast! I'm getting my ass kicked, badly, even with the strategy guide.

BTW off-topic, anyone enjoy R-Type Tactics/Command on PSP? It's a great game, although it doesn't use ZOC (zone of control) like Nectaris series.
There was also a follow-up in Japan only, called R-Type Tactics II: Operation Bitter Chocolate (weird subtitle, no?), great games.