The Turbo would have been remodeled at some point, because of the obvious reasons. The obvious reason is the Genesis Mega Drive. If Atari had purchased the Turbo, and modeled it into the Jaguar maybe we would have seen something but the following still remains.
The Turbo would need some sorta plablicity to beat Mario and Sonic. I was a Mario fan, while my cousin was a Sonic fan. Then the big boys were all Amiga, and Arcade fans. SNK had drop the bomb of consoles for the importers.
Why would Alex Kid or Boink even fight Mario and Sonic, I do not know. Boink for instance was a fun game, but in comparison to Sonic and Mario. I doubt kids where singing about it, I remember drawing and dancing to Mario, even watching Captain Louie. RPG games was restricted to DAD people, and nobody even knew what a Comic adventure is until Metal Gear ( Snatcher ), and the NDS ( Ace Atourney ) came out. Our creativity was spread out all over the place, and we were recovering from the 1970's, apparently. In the west they divided the Comic books into two systems while in Japan they never did such a thing. The creator of Final Fantasy said "without the popularity of comics, videogames would have never been popular".
While I listen to "Yellow Magic" I am 100% honestly glad that it never happen. Look at Victor, you can obviously see they have attempted to port games of Japans taste, while most western games are left out to hang, and be forgotten. The entirety game changer, is the American consumer and makes a Japan game company thrive nation wide. Not the other way around. While counterfiting is occuring of American products. Most Japanese games are not purchased at all, and stays in stock. However in the west I believe out dead stock is destroyed or put outside.