I could do it quick and dirty style. It looks like most of the sheer quantity comes from the "how to play" explanations, and those weren't too much.
Here's a video on niconico:
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5838165(note: you shouldn't watch this too much unless you don't mind a lot of solutions being spoiled for you)
If this represents most of what there is to be translated, I could probably have it all in a day.
The challenge in doing this is dealing with the punnyness of the title, and in the game itself. The "de gozaru" basically just means "I am", so the joke is that the monkey's name "Bazaru" rhymes with that. I'd be like making a character named Steinkald, and the joke is "I'm called Steinkald" or something like that.
And they stick this degozaru all over the place, too. It's really an old way of saying "is", believe it or not. The biggest question would be whether or not to try and make up other puns to stick in there, or to just do a plain-Jane translation and get it done.
Anyway, send me the stuff. Pre-organization is appreciated.