Hi folks, I thought it might be appropriate to steal the subject line from tpivette's post. I'm new to these forums but a long time TurboGrafx lover. I thought this would be as good a place as any to introduce myself and ramble about our beloved console(s).
I own just about every console and enjoy collecting games. Back in the late 80s/early 90s, I like zillions of others had an NES which at some point I sold to buy a Genesis. No one I knew had the TG-16, but I lusted it for it like crazy. I remember electronics stores in the mall that had Keith Courage set up and back then, the graphics were just incredible! Yes, I was blown away by KC.
My cousin lived near a video store that rented TG-16 consoles. He would rent it often, but sadly that was my only exposure to the TG library back then. Lemme tell you though, we LOVED Blazing Lazers and Splatterhouse. I know that's not an uncommon sentiment, sorry for being unoriginal, but those 2 games are still some of my fondest video game memories.
In the last few months, I decided to actually start throwing money at my pathetic TG collection which consisted of Alien Crush, China Warrior, Bonks, Boxyboy, Timeball, a few others - not the finest. I've had a boxed TG-16 that I found a thrift shop ($20 marked down from $40!) many years ago, but just had never sought many games for it. I found myself a Turbo Booster and picked up a bunch of games over these last few months. I wish I would have done so sooner, not only because prices seem incredibly high, but because the TG is simply an incredible console. There are so many wonderful games that I've missed and I've been in heaven discovering and re-discovering the library. (And I haven't even picked up any PCE games, yet.)
Lately, I've gotten the urge to see and play the CD library. I've always felt that video games as a whole took a major nose dive around the CD era (3DO, Philips CD-I, Sega CD, crappy FMV, etc) though as an old gamer, I was really just mad to see cartridges dying and loading times being born! I never played any of the TG CD games, but after doing tons of reading, I knew I had to see what the hell I was missing. After weeks of searching, I finally found the perfect Duo, in near mint shape, from a seller who took good care of it. And yesterday it arrived!
I only have Gate of Thunder and Theron's Quest so far, but I am having a blast with them (esp GoT). Graphics and sound are incredible and having this little beauty (it's tinier than I thought it would be) is really a joy. I've got a few more games coming soon from a member of this forum and I'll be picking up others soon too. I'm really eager to play Ys I & II and Dragon Slayer.
It's too bad the Duo and all NECs consoles didn't do better, but perhaps if they did, it would be flooded with crappy games like NES and Genesis. There was a lot of confusion back then about wth was going with TurboGrafx and I won't get into all that. It's also really sad to hear about the loss of Hudson. Things have changed so much, but I feel whole now that I've got a Duo and a juicy library of games that are all sorely underappreciated.
My new favorites: Soldier Blade, Neutopia, Devil's Crush and Chew Man Fu!
That's my story, thanks for letting me share. I'm really glad to be here

PS: Got a few extra games with my Duo that I'll be raffling soon. Stay tuned!