Greetings! I recently acquired a few extra US cards and would like to give them to someone here who will play them. I'm new to the forums, but so far everyone I've met has been really kind and I'd like to give something back to our community.
This raffle is for Super Star Soldier, and the winner will also get Bonk's Adventure, Alien Crush and China Warrior. All of the games are card only, and SSS has a video store sticker on the back. I'll use to draw a winner on Sun, April 15th.
The fine print:
1. Please don't resell SSS, though feel free to sell/raffle the others (if the winner doesn't want them, I'll donate them to Goodwill)
2. Please don't enter if you already own it
3. Since I'm new myself, no post count required!
Thanks all!
EDIT - I've decided to end the raffle on March 31, since I have a good list of interested members already. I'll draw the winner on the 1st. Also, I should mention this raffle is for US members only. Good luck everyone!
EDIT 4/1 - Grats Firebomber7! Your name came up first so PM me your mailing address and I'll send them out this week. Thanks again everybody for the interest!
Total entrants:
Bernie, burn_654, Firebomber7, Trevpwnsnoobs, BigT, Damon Plus, Evilplayground, incrediblehark, VenomMacbeth, tpivette, JKM, arromdee, tiptopjames, snickersbar, Black Tiger, BigusSchmuck, HercTNT, cabbage, turboStar, futureman2000, BuraiFighter, Arkhan, 420GOAT, MotherGunner, T2KFreeker, thesteve, Neurosis138, Freezer, Nando, farankoshan, The Legendary R, Gao, csgx1, Lamekat, c0ldb33r