Introducing anyone to TG-16 with garbage like Keith Courage would have been a travesty.
Sure, I appreciate the few things it has going for it, but the overall experience is monotonous. Sorry.
Hmm...I was never impressed with Kieth Courage in any way shape or form. Ever. I like guy with a gun for a head, sure, but that isn't enough. The bland gameplay, the sucky ass sound effects (sword swinging
i've always maintained that if Keith Courage just dropped the slow overworld levels and just had a shit-ton of the underworld levels with more varied enemies and scenery, it would have been a *great* PCE platformer. The underworld sections really do have good control and gameplay mechanics, imo. As it is, I found myself trudging through the overworld levels so I could see the next underworld section, only to find it was almost exactly like the one before. The underworld sections needed more enemies, more scenery, and more varied level design.
I was going to dig up my old posts about how much
potential Keith Courage possessed, but I agree with most of this. I don't think the overworld needs to be stripped away, however—it simply needs to receive the same re-vamp you are suggesting for the underworld, but with specific attention paid to the ARPG elements (it must be made more compelling, less predictable, gimmee Faxanadu/Zelda II LITE)...
BACK ON TOPIC: Cook will give Ordyne another chance, but even for a TG-16 newbie, I think SideArms is a decent choice
if the person is a self-avowed fan of shoot-em-ups. If not...well, neither Ordyne nor SideArms is going to win them over.
Initially, Ordyne has more character and charisma (sprite art, cute aesthetics), but it's pacing and mechanics do not pull you immediately into the action like SideArms does. Even if you feel that SideArms's theme is hackneyed and trite, you can't deny that it offers a sense of urgency and adrenaline-pumping immediacy. Simply choosing (cycling through) weapons is risky/stressful!
That said, I acknowledge that a few basic questions about a newbie's preferences (genre-specific and game-specific) would help us tremendously.
Note: this post has been sitting on my phone for over 24 hours. I thought I posted it yesterday morning.