Author Topic: well, I just got a defective arcade card pro. LOL (Now with pictures) :(  (Read 1224 times)


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Which was my beef with them...

When I bought a loose Arcade Card Pro from them, the auction had a picture of a used looking, but not discolored arcade card pro.  I best offered and was accepted.  I got it in, saw how faded the label was and was slightly disappointed, but shrugged it off because of the low price.  Then when it failed to work I was a little more frustrated.  After going back and forth with hit japan over refund / exchange options, I sent the item back and received a refund after a few weeks.  So basically it cost me $4 - $5 for nothing at all.  Ok fine, you win some you lose some, I'm not going to gripe over $5.  What bothers me is that it seems pretty likely that they tried to resell that same card to kakuto here.  If they cant offer him a card in exchange, that tells me they dont have a pile of discolored arcade card pros laying around.  That tells me that the card he got was more than likely the same card they mailed me.

Here's the auction I won:

Picture clearly isnt faded... and card condition stated as "B" lol
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


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Funny, I just bought a Saturn game off them that looked great in the pics but when I got it both the front of manual and the obi were heavily sunfaded as well.  I asked them about it and they offered a partial credit which was fine with me. 

It stinks that the pictures were inaccurate, but at least he was willing to work with me on it.
Gredler: spread her legs and push her down to make her more lively<br>***<br>majors: You used to be the great man, this icon we all looked up to and now your just a pico collecting 'tard...oh, how the mighty have fallen...<br>***<br>_joshuaTurbo: Sex, Lies, Rape and Arkhan. A TurboGrafx love story


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Funny, I just bought a Saturn game off them that looked great in the pics but when I got it both the front of manual and the obi were heavily sunfaded as well.  I asked them about it and they offered a partial credit which was fine with me. 

It stinks that the pictures were inaccurate, but at least he was willing to work with me on it.
I've also had things come in that were different then the pic. A white saturn pad was way yellowed when I got it and the one in the pic was reall nice. I can't complain about that though because it was only $5 after I talked them down and bought a bunch of stuff. Everthing else in the lot I got last was really nice and they are generally pleasant to deal with and ship super quick.
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Hit Japan always uses stock photos of the best condition item they have.

I prefer Yamatoku. They always put photos of the actual item I receive.


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I think Hit Japan is winding down.


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I doubt that.  Thousands of transactions, on older stuff.  Things like this are bound to happen from time to time.  I dont think anyone with this much traffic in their store would be immune to it.

I think Hit Japan is winding down.


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I recently bought a junk cd-unit from them expecting a bright white color based on the picture but what I got was a little yellowing one. Not to bad though since all it needed was a little grease and pots adjustment and it's working:)

Edit: add link,
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Some of the photos that Hit Japan uses are from older auctions that possibly got mixed up.  I purchased/won a slightly yellowed Super Grafx with a CGII controller from them.  A week later they put up another Super Grafx but also used the same yellowed Super Grafx picture that had I won.  Most likely a mixup since the 2nd Super Grafx system listed was in nicer condition and came with the original controller. 


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Wait, how does a SuperGrafx "yellow?"


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Hit Japan always uses stock photos of the best condition item they have.

I prefer Yamatoku. They always put photos of the actual item I receive.

I think this is a minimum to stay straight up in business.
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Samurai Ghost

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Wait, how does a SuperGrafx "yellow?"

Maybe he meant a SuperCD? They don't yellow as much as they "green" though.


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Since the deal didn't go well, I hope you left neutral feedback at best. It was not worthy of positive feedback.

I will just leave positive feedback


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it was only fair to leave good feedback as hit wasnt allowed to complete the remedial process.
I have a defective inverter here from another vender that i wasnt willing to return to china.
they were willing to send me parts, just not the controller IC that was bad.
they were willing to replace the unit as well, but would require it returned


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Wait, how does a SuperGrafx "yellow?"
Wait, how does a SuperGrafx "yellow?"

Maybe he meant a SuperCD? They don't yellow as much as they "green" though.

Well, let me rephrase that...The SuperGrafx I purchased was discolored, which has more of a brownish/yellow tint to it. 


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wow a yellowed SG after all