But.. HuC isn't outputting a wrong file, it's just outputting a cooked binary. >_>
7575792 vs 6596608
The original ISO is 6,596,608 bytes
The BIN ripped with CDRWIN is 7,575,792 bytes
There's nothing unusual about that. That's the size of a cooked binary vs a binary with mode 1 raw sector support bytes. Both those add up fine.
You guys know what cooked binary vs raw binary is, right? All cooked binaries are converted to 2352 byte sector as they're are written to the CDR (actually, in a buffer first and it's done by the software). Storing the ECC, EDC, SYNC, HEADER, etc additional bytes is redundant. Thus why cooked format is popular. Plus, you can directly edit the bytes with a hex editor or any software much easier. Cooked or raw, it doesn't change the LBA address of the data.
There's no such thing as a 2048 byte sector for mode 1. It's
all 2352 bytes(plus 96 additional bytes for sub channel data). That is to say, all cooked and raw binary files end up being in mode 1 sector format (2352 without subchannel 96bytes) - assuming you choose mode 1. 2048byte is what's available as
data. It doesn't throw anything off for the CD hardware reading the data. The LBA address and offset are the same regardless for CD data. Your LBA address is in sectors,
not bytes. So if your LBA offset was 0x20 (relative to index 01) for a CD_READ, then it's gonna read 2048 bytes of data regardless that it's now the full mode 1 sector size. And those 2048bytes are going to be the same bytes as in the ISO HuC spits out (LBA_address * 0x800 = byte_address). There's another problem with an app making a RAW mode binary. If an app messes up the sync or header byte values and you burn it as is, you'll get read errors. It's more convenient to let the burning app handle this or an external app for conversion (well, IMO
). Anyway,
here's a good site showing the mode 1/2/forms break down..
don't doubt Nero is messing stuff up for you (making non bootable TurboCDs), but I've been using Nero for about 6 years or so without problems for making TurboCDs. I don't create mix moded discs or such in the project, I tell Nero to burn the CUE file (but I assume you guys are as well). I've been using 6.xx.x.x.x or something Nero and still use it. I have no idea about the new versions though (12 is the newest I think). I did have a problem once, but it turned out to be the drive. It wouldn't burn DAO RAW (it had to be DAO RAW/96, but I didn't include a sub channel file). I've had good results with Alcohol 120% too with burning TurboCD stuff (and even on laptop cdr drives). But if Nero is burning the data track as XA mode 2 form 2, then it shouldn't work on the PCE CD. Would probably work on the PC with some emulators as accessing the physical drive for an XA form 1 CDR data track (because it should be getting cooked data from the sector request for the app).
I don't use nero. Is it supposed to automagically assume it is supposed to add the error crap for you?
Every burning software that encounters a data file that's listed as mode 1/ 2048, yeah. It wouldn't burn right otherwise.
FILE "lords.iso" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
INDEX 00 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:47:09
Ok, so Nero completely failed for you guys so the mastering company never got a CDR burned from Nero. Got it.
The Old Rover: If you can dump the CDR you burned in raw mode, I can show you where to look to see what format the sectors in the pregap are labeled as. That might shed some light on why eclipse is reading them as audio sectors/data (that's what the DDxxx whatever error looked like).