Index matching matters for pressing, since their stamper requires everything to line up exactly. Any inconsistencies, or "eh, good enoughs" will not go so well.
The data track index matters just as much for the CDRs too, though. It's an all or nothing thing. If index 1 (of the data track) doesn't point to the start of the ID string for PCE CD identification, it won't continue on (CDR or pressed CD). Not to mention everything else won't align up either after that, but you won't even get that far. Which you guys already encountered on CDR if I read it right.
Bringing in those details obscures (*not* clarifies) the whole discussion.
But, if you must do that, go ahead. Let me know when you get to the muon/quark level. I find partical physics interesting, too.
Hehe, yeah ok. I'm
completely guilty of going in that direction on a lot of things. But over all no, I don't particularly see additional attention to detail and information as a bad thing or that it clogs up a discussion. A lot of tech oriented discussion are like that IMO. At least on forums. A better understanding never hurt anyone IMO. But hey, that's just my personality type. I'm sure many partially or completely disagree. At any time, someone can say 'I don't care, just tell me specifically about <this>' and be on their way. Or just simply take what they want from the discussion and move on. And nor is this a realtime/real life discussion and have to worry about our target audience; we're technical minded here.
And please note: you *can* move things around in a cue/bin setup. It just takes a hex editor and a lot of knowledge.
Easier to extract the seperate indexes and re-arrange the files, though.
Hah, yeah. That would be a lot of hex editing (you'd have to edit every sector of the data track ;>_>).
I guess coming from a setup of binary files that weren't preformatted for CD sector format, I wasn't aware of this myself. You can have a large single file that's *not* mode 1/2352 formatted for the data track and the pregap *size* can be altered without problems (this has nothing to do with the offset the index uses). And on the opposite side you can have a cue/bin/wave format and the bin *is* mode 1/2352 format and it will be a problem. And that's to say if the CDR software doesn't correct this. At minimum, it should be checking this (every preformatted data sector) and at least reporting a problem in the log. Mode 1/2352 PCECD setups are looked down upon in the hacking and translation community because of the complexity it adds - without any perceivable advantage. Mode 1/2048 binary multifile setup is the best setup for patching the data track (using the preexisting patchers). I'm still convinced of this though. Just weary of recommending
Nero for burning them.
It will burn it exactly as is. Do you think it will magically change the track types? No. It does a direct write.
It will probably abort if it detects errors, though.
Well... it was also assumed that Nero burned mode 1 tracks *when* told to, and yet it didn't for Nodt. So no, I'm beyond assuming anything at this point. It's the very point that Nero did this, that verification should be done. I've never seen a recording program automatically switch to mode 2, form <whatever> when it's told specifically to use mode 1. Nero is pretty popular and big name program. That's a pretty big f*ckup IMO.
Maybe I should clarify myself. The original topic of the thread was about how you guys solved the pressing house issue, but that was pretty much established early on in the thread. My focus has moved to what CDR burning software is doing to CUE and everything related to it. It's not just about the pressing house but about; the do's and don'ts, what software is f*cking shit up, what method is the best for a given situation, what are the pro's and con's of each type of CUE layout, etc. There people that do translation patchs or make their own stuff (homebrew) available for burning, etc. And believe it or not, there's still a lot of misunderstanding out there. I admit, it's probably mostly related to the translation scene for CDs - but that's part of my area of work in the PCE too. I mean, it still relates to pressing house issues - but also more than that.
Yup, that is why I often shy away from tech yammering. Things that make sense in my head are often pretty gimped once I put them out.
I can think of like, two people who understand what I mean almost always. They "get" my wacked out way of explaining things
I know you know your shit, even if you are a bit crappy at explaining technical things sometimes
Anyway, Nodt's got what he needed from you guys already. I don't doubt that it'll all be fine. I probably won't post any more details here then (I seem to be the only one really interested in looking at further details about this related stuffs). I'll just log and put away any my findings. And also much thanks for info, you guys. And Nodt, for verifying some stuff for me on your end