Oh yeah? How much are you willing to spend? Brake line rupture, no brake pressure at all ? If you're not too far from me, I might be willing to fix it. I'd have to take a look and depending on the problem, determine what parts to buy, head to Autozone/Advance Auto Parts, have you buy the parts, come back, do the job on the spot, and charge you for labor. I've done brake jobs for my neighbors, brake line/pipe ruptures (one cause) or leaks at either the caliper piston or the cylinder in the case of rear drum designs. Also changed two transmissions with a freelance mechanic that I learned from for a Nissan Sentra and a Toyota Corolla.
Anyway, lemme know if you're interested. I'll take that tow money from ya instead!
If you need the car back in service right away, then a freelance repair offer like this is not the way to go, but yeah. Offer is there. Thing is, if your car is old and the brake lines are garbage (rusted to shit), full replacement to give you security is not fun having to do on the street where it's parked, but it's doable. If a caliper is leaking, it's gotta be replaced, that's gonna be more money and we can change the pads while we're at it to tighten the brakes up a bit - pipes are very cheap, but gotta be bent into place, cut and used with compression unions.