Mad Stalker is the only game I encountered with the pre-load. I think it loads all the material, used in game, not including the stages. I really love the game, it holds a candle to Knight SaberS/bUBBLEGUM cRISIS.
You know what, Popful mail on the Sega Cd cut scenes looks terrible. That just my opinon. It was like they did not really think things out at all. It is even worst then the original ( which is the original, so their is no harm ), original, original game. The PCE game feel like I am actually watching an animation.
Also with less colors, the Sega game bonus is the bigger sprites, and alternative enemies. Nothing else. It is basically the SNES game but advanced. Ever wonder why the series never took off???
The animation pilot also made no sense at all. They pretty much turned Popful into Beast Master, and just like BM2 the animation made no sense. It would have made a nice series, popful mail in the real world, simular to Geomon in the real world.