Unfortunately, Dekoboko sucks a bit. The Turbo is dying for a proper, fast-paced Micro-Machines style multiplayer game, but this ain't it.
How's Motoroader MC? i know it's not the same thing. Oh and Rally Championship, even though it's not Multiplayer, looks pretty good.
Motoroader MC plays more like Super Sprint (but not as fun...since Super Sprint has different types of terrain to interact with).
MicroMachines (NES) plays soooooooooooooooooo nice, with such great variety. I think we would be happy if PCE had a game as playable as MicroMachines (even if the PCE version exhibited half the charm and variety...honestly, it would still be amazing).
Since we are on the topic of dreams, I want Baseball Stars (NES) remixed for the PCE. That would be heavenly. No, the Neo Geo version is not what I want. The Neo Geo version sucks compared to the NES version.
Back on topic: Motoroader 2, soop, has yet to win me over. Nat, whose opinions/tastes I respect greatly, likes Motoroader 2...but I just can't get into it. I feel like it is a regression from Motoroader 1, believe it or not. Still, I remain hopeful that if I give Motoroader 2 more time (and convince my brothers/friends to do the same), that
maybe we can squeeze some fun out of it.