Yeah Tats those Plok tunes aren't very good. Like Superdeadite said, they're somewhat impressive technically but the music itself is just pure shit. I have all of the Plok tracks to listen to on my SNES at any time and have heard them all. The beach tune takes a minute to even get going. That's a pet peeve of mine, music that takes forever to even start. Have you actually played the game Plok? Damn, it's pure shit and that horrible first level music (which actually plays for the first several levels) doesn't help it at all.
So while it may be impressive technically, without actual good music it's worthless. I'd love to hear good music with this kind of sound quality. I'd rather listen to Super Castlevania 4. Or F-Zero. Or even Donkey Kong Country. Each have much better music with less sound quality. Tom Folin would serve better as a sound engineer than a musician. He's great with sound quality and can write really good sound engines, but as a musician he's hit or miss in my opinion. He's definitely overrated. People go apeshit over his TimeTrax Genesis track like it's the best song/sound quality on the Genesis or something. It's neither, not even close. It's good music but not balls to the wall amazing like the rest of the internet would have you believe.